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From: (Adri Verhoef)
Newsgroups: news.admin.hierarchies
Subject: Upgrading/changing from PGP to GnuPG for nl.*
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 22:40:08 GMT
Organization: A3, The Netherlands
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Hi, Julien invited me to join news.admin.hierarchies.

As administrator for nl.* I'm still using PGP-2 and that doesn't seem to
do its work anymore on a modern Fedora 40 system without 32-bit libraries.
	$ file /usr/local/bin/pgp
	/usr/local/bin/pgp: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, stripped
	$ readelf -a /usr/local/bin/pgp | grep NEEDED
	 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
	$ rpm -qa | grep i686 | wc -l
	$ dnf provides /lib/ | grep x86_64
	glibc32-2.39-8.fc40.x86_64 : The GNU libc libraries (32-bit)

In the past I've compiled PGP-2.6.3is myself and configured 'signcontrol' for
the nl-hierarchy.  It doesn't compile anymore, not necessarily a disaster, as
we will see.

Now I could go ahead and install the necessary compatible libraries for PGP,
but there's also the option of moving to a more modern approach and the use of
	$ rpm -q gnupg2

Before I can use GPG in the Usenet-hierarchy 'nl' I need to register its key 
and this is probably the first thing that I should do.  Where do I do that?
Before registering I also need to generate the new key.  How do I do that?

A step-by-step-approach works best for me as I don't want to make any fatal

The next thing to do is probably configuring a new 'signcontrol' (Perl) and
getting that new 'signcontrol' to work.  Julien already pointed me to and there's much resemblance
to my version from 1998.  I've made some local changes there to accommodate
a few particular needs for nl.* (in 2002).  The version from 1998 is v1.6.

From 1.9: "# -- Fix error reporting around lock files with PGP." - was that
the error that I fixed in 2002? :-) [variable $lock vs. $pgplock]
