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NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2024 21:19:46 +0000
From: Spalls Hurgenson <spallshurgenson@gmail.com>
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Subject: I knew all that flashy bling was a bad idea...
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2024 17:19:46 -0400
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You know how all the 'high-end' gaming hardware (RAM, motherboards,
GPUs, fans, etc.) now includes LEDs? Maybe it wasn't such a good
idea... and not just because it's ugly and distracting.

It turns out, some gamers are reporting that their GPUs are getting
melted/burnt because of the LEDs in their RAM sticks. Cheap LEDs emit
UV light, and this can leave scorch marks on some plastics...
including the backplates of GPUs. 


And I'm sure all that UV does great things to people too.

There's no real information on how common the problem is, or how long
it took before the plastic got scorched or, really, any specifics.
Still, it's another reason to not bling out your PC.

(It's not really related, but modern GPUs are getting burdensomely
heavy and large too... so much so that the PCIE slots on motherboards
are having problems supporting that weight. There are reports of the
slots getting pulled off their traces on the motherboard because of
the weight. My GPU came with a little adjustable 'brace' meant to be
placed between GPU and chassis to help hold the massive thing up. I'd
say that sensible component design seems to be a thing of the past...
except then I remember 'hard-cards' (hard-drives mounted on ISA cards)
from the AT/XT era and realize we never had sensible component
designs. ;-)

* read here: