Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/1203): User howardkn already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\howardknight.net\al.howardknight.net\includes\artfuncs.php on line 21
Failed to connect to MySQL: (1203) User howardkn already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
Warning: mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\howardknight.net\al.howardknight.net\index.php on line 66
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Path: ...!weretis.net!feeder6.news.weretis.net!panix!.POSTED.2602:f977:0:1::2!not-for-mail
From: Ted Heise <theise@panix.com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Files tree
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 13:07:20 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: My own, such as it is
Message-ID: <slrnv1icg8.ei3.theise@panix2.panix.com>
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On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 13:39:34 +0100,
  James Harris <james.harris.1@gmail.com> wrote:
>  For a number of reasons I am looking for a way of recording a 
>  list of the files (and file-like objects) on a Unix system at 
>  certain points in time. The main output would simply be sorted 
>  text with one fully-qualified file name on each line.
>  What follows is my first attempt at it. I'd appreciate any 
>  feedback on whether I am going about it the right way or 
>  whether it could be improved either in concept or in coding.
>  There are two tiny scripts. In the examples below they write to 
>  temporary files f1 and f2 to test the mechanism but the idea is 
>  that the reports would be stored in timestamped files so that 
>  comparisons between one report and another could be made later.
>  The first, and primary, script generates nothing other than 
>  names and is as follows.
>  export LC_ALL=C
>  sudo find /\
>    -path "/proc/*" -prune -o\
>    -path "/run/*" -prune -o\
>    -path "/sys/*" -prune -o\
>    -path "/tmp/*/*" -prune -o\
>    -print0 | sort -z | tr '\0' '\n' > /tmp/f1

I know just enough linux admin to be dangerous so this is probably 
a dumb question, but I'm wondering why use find rather than ls?

Ted Heise      <theise@panix.com>       West Lafayette, IN, USA