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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED.!not-for-mail
From: Matija Nalis <>
Subject: Re: inn 2.7.0, expire takes ages and hangs
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2024 17:27:57 +0100
Organization: CARNet, Croatia
Message-ID: <slrnvickoe.kqb.mnalis-news@eagle102.home.lan>
References: <>
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Lines: 49

On Tue, 29 Oct 2024 13:47:54 -0000 (UTC), Adam W. <aw@somewhere.invalid> wrote:
> $ strace -f -p 28158
> strace: Process 28158 attached
> select(6, [5], NULL, NULL, {tv_sec=28, tv_usec=42890}
> It just waits on select, and does nothing else.

Usually I'd use lsof(8) to see what is on the other side of that socket, and
try to continue debugging there.

> 1. Is it possible that I messed anything up by forcefully killing it?

Was it regular TERM or KILL (-9) signal? 
But I guess it should be fine in either case, since it was paused and was
not updating anything on the disk.

> 2. Why did it hang / how can I diagnose it / can I diagnose it?

you can add "-v level" to increase verbosity of expire(8).

> 3. I added noexpire to news.daily cron line to avoid it in the future. I 
> guess there will be no consequences in my setup, as:


well, yes in the short term, but see below...

> 4. What is responsible for expiring history? Expireover or expire? I'd 
> guess the former (which I still keep enabled), but now I'm not sure 
> anymore.

According to expire(8), it should be the one expiring the history.  

So, if you added "noexpire" to news.daily (which avoids calling expire(8)
AFAICT), your history database would likely grow unbounded (unless you trim
it yourself elsewhere)

> Another question: why does it expire anything if I have expiration 
> disabled? 

And how exactly did you have "expiration disabled"? 
You still seemed (at the time) to be running expire(8) via cron or 
something (news.daily?)

Now that you have added "noexpire" to cron.daily, I would expect that
expire(8) would not be called at all. 
Or do you have reason to believe otherwise?

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.