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From: Robert Riches <spamtrap42@jacob21819.net>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Are We Back to the "Wars" Now ?
Date: 19 Dec 2024 04:27:08 GMT
Organization: none-at-all
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On 2024-12-18, Rich <rich@example.invalid> wrote:
> Robert Riches <spamtrap42@jacob21819.net> wrote:
>> On 2024-12-18, Rich <rich@example.invalid> wrote:
>>> 186282@ud0s4.net <186283@ud0s4.net> wrote:
>>>> On 12/17/24 8:23 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 17 Dec 2024 13:34:30 +0000, Geoff Clare wrote:
>>>>>> With a pipe or FIFO, you just use simple read and write operations 
>>>>>> and the system handles all the messy stuff for you.  If the pipe 
>>>>>> reaches capacity, write blocks until there is room to write some 
>>>>>> more; if the pipe becomes empty, read blocks until there is more 
>>>>>> data available; when read returns EOF that's the end of the data.
>>>>> Yup. Furthermore:
>>>>> * When the last writer closes its end, any remaining read attempts 
>>>>> get EOF.
>>>>> * When the last reader closes its end, any remaining write attempts 
>>>>> get “broken pipe”.
>>>>   But you're still limited to the amount of RAM the system can 
>>>>   access.
>>> Not with a pipe or FIFO, which is what is being discussed above.
>>> The amount of data you can transfer over a pipe is not in any way 
>>> limited by system memory size or any other system imposed limits.
>>>>   These days that's probably a LOT - but might NOT be,
>>>>   esp for 'embedded' type boards like the older PIs,
>>>>   BBBs and such. Never assume the user has essentially
>>>>   infinite RAM.
>>> The system will not have infinite RAM.  You can transfer infinite data 
>>> over a pipe (although it will take a while to reach infinity).
>> A pipe is _NOT_ limited to system RAM!
>> Using a named pipe on a Raspberry Pi model 1 with a _half_ GB of
>> total RAM, I would routinely transfer _several_ GB in a single
>> stream from an mplayer process to a netcat process.  The only
>> reason that's not currently happening every night these days is
>> the amplified TV antenna lost too much gain due to age, attic
>> heat, etc.
> While you are correct, you responded to the wrong post.  I pointed out 
> to the nymshift troll the exact statement you made to me.

Yes, I was supporting your position with a concrete existence
proof.  Not every reply needs to be a contradiction of the
immediately previous post.

I'm not certain, but I think I might have killfiled the nymshift
troll, so your post was the only one for which I had a reference
in order to contradict said nymshift troll.

Robert Riches
(Yes, that is one of my email addresses.)