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From: Anssi Saari <anssi.saari@usenet.mail.kapsi.fi>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: What difficultly level do you play one?
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 23:35:58 +0300
Organization: An impatient and LOUD arachnid
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JAB <noway@nochance.com> writes:

> That's certain how I approach CRPG's. I don't want to go through
> numerous guides on how to build an optimal character, I want to pick 
> what I fancy playing. My general strategy is start on normal mode and
> if it all becomes too much, which it often does as the game progresses
> and your character/party becomes progressively less optimal, change it
> to easy mode and carry on.

In general, I just choose the default difficulty. And I tend to stick
with it too but not always. Sometimes trying to kill a boss for the
umpteenth time just gets too tedious.

> One of the interesting parts they said is that if you're effectively
> going to use someone else's build then what not just watch them
> playing the game. Obviously that's a bit of hyperbole but I can
> understand their point.

I don't but then I'm not a fan of gameplay videos or watching someone
else play. Got enough of the latter in the arcades as a kid.