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Subject: Re: the notion of relativity of simultaneity
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Le 03/10/2024 à 14:49, Richard Hachel  a écrit :
> Le 03/10/2024 à 09:09, Thomas Heger a écrit :
>> The comoving hyperplane (comoving with the observer) is usually called 
>> 'hyperplane of the present.
>  Absolument.
>> This is so, because a spacetime diagram uses only two dimensions for 
>> space and one for time, because in pseudo-3d it is not possible to 
>> depict more dimensions.
>  Absolument.
>> This 'hyperplane of the present' is therefore depicted as a sheet, but 
>> actually means a space.
>  Absolument.
>> This space is the space of all events, which could be conneted to the 
>> place called 'here and now' by the observer,
>  Absolument.
>> if he would use a 
>> hypothetical signal with infinite velocity.
> This is already the case.
> There is no need to imagine an infinite speed of information, because in this 
> case, for the direct observer who "sees" the information arriving, it IS live.
>> This is, of course, not possible, hence only points are accessible, 
>> which are located upon the observers future light cone.
> The notion of hypercone of light no longer has any reason to exist, we should no 
> longer use this term which adds nothing, even if it is true that for an external 
> observer B the hyperplane of A is transformed into a hypercone for B in its 
> hyperplane.
>> But for definitions we do not need to care about such limitations and 
>> could regard as 'present', what is placed upon the hyperplane of the 
>> present (instead of the positions on the light cone).
> Absolument.
>> TH
> R.H.

the jackass rubs the jackass

Used to describe 2 persons who are lavishing excessive praise on one 