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From: Paul S Person <psperson@old.netcom.invalid>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written,rec.arts.sf.movies
Subject: Re: Dune 2
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 09:04:06 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 49
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On Mon, 11 Mar 2024 16:40:10 -0400, Tony Nance <>

>On 3/10/24 10:44 PM, Ted Nolan <tednolan> wrote:
>> In article <usleon$373ft$>,
>> Mike Van Pelt  <> wrote:
>>> In article <uscmfk$1422v$>,
>>> Cryptoengineer  <> wrote:
>>>> The director definitely want to do Dune Messiah.
>>>> But after that, who knows. Things get weird with
>>>> half-worm half human rulers, and gholas.
>>> I liked Dune Messiah.  Children of Dune, however...
>>> in the memorable words of old time usenetter Brett
>>> Jolly (Trolly?  I forget...) "My willing suspension
>>> of disbelief chewed a hole in the back of my skull
>>> to escape, and fled shrieking into the night."
>>> That's the last Dune I ever read.  God-Emperor of
>>> Dune, as near as I could tell, was everything I
>>> hated about Children of Dune to the fourth power.
>> OTOH, I hated DM, and rather liked COD & GEOD, although apparently
>> not sufficiently to follow things after that.
>In my very humble opinion, you didn't miss much. A million years ago=20
>here in rasfw, I mentioned Heretics of Dune (aka My Own Private Duncan=20
>Idaho) as the worst SFF "turkey" I had finished reading. For the life of=
>me, I don't know why I then went on to read Chapterhouse: Dune, but I=20
>did, and it was not much better. At this remove, I don't remember a=20
>whole lot of either one - my sense is that they weren't "throw at the=20
>wall" bad, but they were really disappointing.

That's a good summary.

IIRC, they were written after the State of Washington found that it
had, residing within its borders, an author who had made an awful lot
of money and had paid nothing to the State in business taxes.=20

IOW, they were written (IIRC) to pay the tax bill.

I skipped the posthumous continuation altogether.
"Here lies the Tuscan poet Aretino,
Who evil spoke of everyone but God,
Giving as his excuse, 'I never knew him.'"