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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: JM <>
Subject: Re: Final final 1kHz oscillator
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 00:18:20 +0000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Fri, 8 Nov 2024 15:43:41 -0500, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:

>This is the simplest circuit I can come up with.
>Harmonics are more than 80dB down in simulation.
>FFT the last 30 seconds.
>There is only one harmonic stopping me claiming 90dB but the exact FFT result can depend
>on exactly how much output is selected for the FFT. You may see different results.
>If a prototype is ever built, attention to the type and quality of the capacitors used will be needed.
>Electrolytics are not intended. Put C1 and C2 near U1 supply pins.
>Also pay attention to the stability of +/- 6V.
>It would be nice to have a single 12V rail version but so far I can't get it to work.
>R1 and R2 and probably R7 should be easily changeable.
>R3 should be 220 ohm ten turn. R9 should be 1M ohm ten turn in series with 470k.
>I don't fully understand why the DC stabilization circuit through U2B achieves what it does
>and this makes me concerned about whether a real circuit would have the same behaviour.
>It was added when I noticed that the diodes D1 and D2 weren't contributing equally so I
>decided to try to derive a DC correction signal. This was originally connected to the FET source
>and then to R13. Since this is a DC correction signal I decided to try out the effect of
>connecting it to U1 Vocm and was amazed that this works as well as it does.
>If you disconnect R5, harmonics will not be more than 50dB down because D1 and D2 are no
>longer providing stable and equal contributions to the level control feedback.
>If you need even better performance then the circuit referenced by Bill Sloman can be used.
>NSL-32SR3 is not expensive and simulation models exist but LT1468 is expensive.
>Other references
>Version 4
>SHEET 1 2196 932
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