Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/1203): User howardkn already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\howardknight.net\al.howardknight.net\includes\artfuncs.php on line 21
Failed to connect to MySQL: (1203) User howardkn already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
Warning: mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\howardknight.net\al.howardknight.net\index.php on line 66
Article <tdo9v8$8v2$1@shakotay.alphanet.ch>
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Path: ...!news.mixmin.net!aioe.org!news.alphanet.ch!alphanet.ch!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Marc SCHAEFER <schaefer@alphanet.ch>
Newsgroups: fr.comp.usenet.serveurs
Subject: Re: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Emp=EAcher?= que Zorro fasse des annulations
 depuis dodin.fr.nf
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 15:24:24 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: Posted through news.alphanet.ch
Message-ID: <tdo9v8$8v2$1@shakotay.alphanet.ch>
References: <td8mhk$1dsb$2@cabale.usenet-fr.net> <tda8u9$3ge$1@ns507557.dodin.fr.nf> <tdnlh3$224j$1@cabale.usenet-fr.net> <tdnsv5$23go$1@cabale.usenet-fr.net> <tdnu7u$f0i$1@ns507557.dodin.fr.nf> <tdo3bg$29g8$1@cabale.usenet-fr.net> <tdo58l$2feb$1@cabale.usenet-fr.net> <tdo5k3$mvc$1@shakotay.alphanet.ch> <tdo9df$i6s$1@ns507557.dodin.fr.nf>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Injection-Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 15:24:24 -0000 (UTC)
Injection-Info: shakotay.alphanet.ch; posting-account="schaefer";
	logging-data="9186"; mail-complaints-to="usenet@alphanet.ch"; posting-host="634ce6c9682d817d72f6177875e2bb4f.nnrp.alphanet.ch"
User-Agent: tin/2.4.3-20181224 ("Glen Mhor") (UNIX) (Linux/4.19.0-21-amd64 (x86_64))
Cancel-Lock: sha256:5eW1ta/MmWbhnTMBMuuZ15tklvdbycsllAAkKyxPB3k= sha256:7NQeYO3hn57y45klTGkWx27xSXse/2Y9PUuoCaylqjo=
Bytes: 4145
Lines: 68

jdd <jdd@dodin.org> wrote:
> innflags: "-C"

ah, j'ai confondu, bien -C pas -D.

> du coup je me demande si les quotes ("") ne sont pas de trop?

Je ne pense pas, vu que cela marche: tu as transmis (propagé) ce cancel
sans l'exécuter, ce qui est ton objectif (*)

(*) c'est exactement ce que je devrais faire si je voulais laisser à mes
utilisateurs la possibilité de ne pas appliquer les cancels de consensus
du miakibot et du bleachbot, mais je ne l'ai pas encore fait car les
changements un peu partout pour ensuite correctement exécuter les
cancels légitimes (exemple: Cancel-Lock) sont à revoir!  complexe!

>     ### cancel in these groups are not honored

à nouveau, on parle de les honorer, pas de les diffuser.

Tu dois les *rejeter*, chez moi ça ressemble par exemple à ça:

    # cancel messages ########################################################
    } elsif ($hdr{Control} =~ /^\s*cancel/i) {
        foreach (@Path_Entries) {
            return reject("Cancel with $_ in path", 'Rogue cancel')
                if exists $Bad_Cancel_Path{$_};

        return reject('User-issued spam cancel')
            if $config{block_user_spamcancels}
                and $injection_host and $posting_host
                and $hdr{Path} =~ /!cyberspam!/;

        return reject('User-issued cancel')
            if $config{block_user_cancels}
                and not $hdr{Path} =~ /!cyberspam!/;

        return reject('Cancel in forbidden group', 'Rogue cancel')
            if $gr{no_cancel} and not $hdr{Path} =~ /!cyberspam!/;

        if ($config{block_late_cancels}
                and $hdr{Control} =~ /^cancel\s+(.+)$/) {
            return reject('Cancel for rejected article')
                if $MIDhistory->check($1);

        return reject('Cancel with Supersedes header')
            if $hdr{Supersedes};

        return reject('Rogue cancel (newsgroups)', 'Rogue cancel')
            if grep(/^control(?:\.cancel)?$/, @groups);

        # from Ricardo's "FAQ" + hipcrime signatures
        return reject("Rogue cancel ($1)", 'Rogue cancel')
            if $hdr{Path} =~ /(h[i\d]pcr[i\d]me|(?:hip|hacker|crack|porn|cripple|gimp|cunt|hole|fag|aids|faq|god|hindu|dothead|jew|kike|moslem|towelhead|nazi|kraut|nerd|geek|nigger|redneck|rice|slanteye|spick|whine)cancel|cyberwhin(?:er|ing))/;

        if ($hdr{'X-Cancelled-By'} or $hdr{'X-Canceled-By'}) {
            my $xcb = lc ($hdr{'X-Cancelled-By'} || $hdr{'X-Canceled-By'});
            return reject('Bad X-Cancelled-By', 'Rogue cancel')
                if $xcb !~ /\w\@\w/;

        if (defined &local_filter_cancel) {
            my @result = local_filter_cancel();
            return reject(@result) if $result[0];