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Path: ...!!!!ewrotcd!!!!not-for-mail
From: Bob Casanova <>
Subject: Re: Modeling the origins of life: New evidence for an 'RNA World'
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 20:59:43 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Mon, 11 Mar 2024 16:01:51 -0700, the following appeared
in, posted by erik simpson

>On 3/11/24 3:33 PM, Bob Casanova wrote:
>> On Mon, 11 Mar 2024 15:08:01 -0700, the following appeared
>> in, posted by erik simpson
>> <>:
>>> On 3/11/24 2:46 PM, Richmond wrote:
>>>> erik simpson <> writes:
>>>>> On 3/11/24 12:24 PM, Richmond wrote:
>>>>>> JTEM <> writes:
>>>>>>>     Pro Plyd wrote:
>>>>>>>> ...  But
>>>>>>>> how did all of this begin? In the origins of life, long before
>>>>>>>> cells and proteins and DNA, could a similar sort of evolution have
>>>>>>>> taken place on a simpler scale? Scientists in the 1960s, including
>>>>>>>> Salk Fellow Leslie Orgel, proposed that life began with the "RNA
>>>>>>>> World," a hypothetical era in which small, stringy RNA molecules
>>>>>>>> ruled the early Earth and established the dynamics of Darwinian
>>>>>>>> evolution.
>>>>>>> "Darwinian Evolution," besides making things difficult when everyone
>>>>>>> later claims that they're not "Darwinists," is just plain
>>>>>>> wrong. Darwin believed that if an animal ran a lot, their leg
>>>>>>> muscles would grow and produce "Bigger, running-around-a-lot"
>>>>>>> Gemmules which would flow to the gonads and be passed on the the
>>>>>>> next generation, who would be born with the bigger, running around a
>>>>>>> lot muscles.
>>>>>>> As i pointed out many times, and will point out many more times
>>>>>>> because, let's face it, the last thing anyone in this group ever
>>>>>>> wanted was science but...
>>>>>>> Darwin REJECTED evolution. He didn't believe in it. Oh, he did
>>>>>>> eventually use that word but this is the internet.  We're all quite
>>>>>>> accustomed to people misusing terms, and Darwin was a pioneer. In
>>>>>>> fact, later, in the Communist world, Stalin and then Mao banned
>>>>>>> evolution, and in it's place promoted Darwin's ideas. Renamed, of
>>>>>>> course. But they were all copying the exact same source material,
>>>>>>> Lamarcksim...
>>>>>>> Darwin was an idiot. And he certainly never invented or discovered
>>>>>>> evolution. Evolution was already quite old by the time that Darwin
>>>>>>> sabotaged science with his inability to grasp it. No, sorry,
>>>>>>> evolution was always part of "Common Descent," and if you do the
>>>>>>> Google you'll find sources pushing THAT idea back into the thousands
>>>>>>> of years..
>>>>>>> Darwin's single biggest impact on science -- REAL science, as
>>>>>>> opposed to the British aristocracy glorifying itself -- was HOLDING
>>>>>>> BACK science in the English speaking world for 20 years by becoming
>>>>>>> the face of Naturalism and throwing aside Mendel.
>>>>>>> Yes, it took that long -- 20 years -- for some Brit with a stick up
>>>>>>> his ass to pretend that he made Mendel's discoveries...
>>>>>>> This is important. It's not a small error. When someone spews an
>>>>>>> oxymoron like "Darwinian Evolution" it's not because they're so
>>>>>>> meticulous in their work. No. It's because they are hitting
>>>>>>> buckets. They're communicating.  They are invoking things that the
>>>>>>> layman will recognize as familiar. They are, as the saying goes,
>>>>>>> "Putting lipstick on a pig."
>>>>>>> "I said DARWINIAN evolution! That's cus I is edu ma kated. I know
>>>>>>> stuff."
>>>>>>> Again, not a small error. It makes the piece as being meant for "The
>>>>>>> un edu ma kated"... the only people who might find "Darwinian"
>>>>>>> evolution sciency!
>>>>>>> Demand accuracy.
>>>>>>> Don't you think you're worth it?
>>>>>>> Don't you think the promotion of science is worth it?
>>>>>>> Demand accuracy. Don't tolerate being dummed down by your efforts to
>>>>>>> learn and grow. It's not an unreasonable request, demanding
>>>>>>> publications that are accurate.  >> Darwin didn't know about genes,
>>>>>>> but then his book was published >> before >> Mendel, so you can't
>>>>>>> really blame him for that. As for rejecting >> evolution, well the
>>>>>>> last line in 'The Origin of Species' is: >> ", from so simple a
>>>>>>> beginning endless forms most beautiful and most >> wonderful have
>>>>>>> been, and are being, evolved."  >> I demand accuracy.
>>>>> JTEM has for many years trolled many newsgroups. Whether he is a
>>>>> genuine fool or just plays one on the net is probably impossible to
>>>>> tell. Almost everything is this gem is rubbish.
>>>> But what's the point in replying to it just to say it is rubbish? I
>>>> wouldn't have even noticed it if no one had replied to it.
>>> Sometimes he just ticks people off.  Thunderbird has a little trash can
>>> icon that I use to reply to him.
>> Even better to never see his posts at all; my "Special
>> Childrens' File" sees to that quite nicely, so I only need
>> to ignore responses to him, which cuts the time I waste on
>> him by quite a bit.
>Thunderbird also has filters that can eliminate obnoxious posters, but 
>I've found that sometimes it effectively clogs the pipe to the 
>newsgroup.  If I delete the filters, lots of stuff shows up immediately. 
>  Has anybody else observed this?
That doesn't happen with Agent; it can filter on specific
posters. of course, nymshifting by a**holes gets around
that, but some things are impervious to solution.

Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
 the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov