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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: AJL <>
Subject: Re: Codes sent by text message
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2024 21:42:39 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 3/9/2024 9:05 PM, VanguardLH wrote:
> AJL <> wrote:

>> I prefer text 2FA because it's immediate. If I didn't request it and
>>  somebody's using my password I want to know right away...

> Lots of sites track you by device.  Some offer you a history to view of
> what devices connected to your account.  If a device not previously
> recorded logs in, they sent you an e-mail alert saying "Was this you?"

Yup. I get those when I'm firing up a new toy.

> If a hacker can easily guess your password to then have 2FA code sent to
> your phone, that bodes ill for you using a weak password.

Agreed. But it's still IMO nice insurance to know immediately if my PW 
(or a site hack?) is used.

> Make the
> password longer, don't use words, and each password should be unique to
> the domain where you login (i.e., never reuse passwords).  Make 'em
> strong.  Make them unique.

I use a formula. That way I can remember most of them without a cheat 
sheet. Something like: $$ + Z + first 3 letters of site + my 1st 
employee number + last 3 letters of site + my 2nd employee number.

BTW I got this email to my fake Gmail account a few months back:
Verification Code
To verify your account, enter this code in TikTok:


Verification codes expire after 48 hours.

If you didn't request this code, you can ignore this message.

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aren't monitored.

Interesting part is that I've never had a TikTok account. But I changed 
the fake email account password anyway. Can't be too careful...