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From: JAB <noway@nochance.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: Things I Don't Need Today
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 09:48:37 +0000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/03/2024 03:02, Dimensional Traveler wrote:
>> So, current plan is more stress-testing, then finally button it all
>> up, copy all the files I worked on using the backup PC to the
>> hopefully-repaired primary, stress test some more and then finally
>> decide it's 'safe' to use it as my primary again. After which I can
>> hopefully put this whole nonsense episode behind me.
> Hey, I used to do tech support for the dispatch systems used in 911 
> centers.  (And this wasn't script-monkey tech support, if it was a code 
> problem I was expected to correct the code and distribute the fix so it 
> could be applied as part of the next regular update.)  Sometimes that 
> kind of slow repetitive grind is how you get it done.

Something I learned pretty early in my career was that you get two types 
of bugs, those that you almost know where the problem is straight away 
and those that require a more methodical approach.

The ones I really hated where when they turned out to be a problem with 
the hardware.