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From: kludge@panix.com (Scott Dorsey)
Newsgroups: news.admin.net-abuse.email
Subject: Re: Spamcop-top200 incomplete archives at Google
Date: 10 Mar 2024 15:45:41 -0000
Organization: Former users of Netcom shell (1989-2000)
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Sn!pe <snipeco.1@gmail.com> wrote:
>On the contrary, I find Gmail perfectly satisfactory, reliable and 
>99.9% spam free.  I have several Gmail accounts in daily use.

Gmail is very good about filtering incoming spam, and reasonably okay
about filtering outgoing spam.  There is still a good bit of spam from
gmail, but considering how many users they have it's not very much at 

Gmail is actually attended... there are armies of people behind the
scenes fine-tuning things and watching things.  Google Groups is not
this way.

Gmail is actually a revenue source for Google, although they do offer
a whole lot of free accounts.  Because it is a revenue source they take
good care of it.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."