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From: Justisaur <justisaur@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: Things I Don't Need Today
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:02:47 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 3/11/2024 8:02 AM, Dimensional Traveler wrote:
> On 3/11/2024 7:22 AM, Justisaur wrote:
>> On 3/11/2024 2:45 AM, JAB wrote:
>>> On 09/03/2024 15:38, Spalls Hurgenson wrote:
>>>> Fortunately, Apple isn't totally committed to the ideal, although they
>>>> do tend to swing back and forth over the years. I'd be more forgiving
>>>> of the attitude if Apple didn't charge a premium for their products. I
>>>> can accept extremely limited and locked down hardware if it's sold at
>>>> a cut-rate price, but Apple's prices suggest you're getting a more
>>>> capable machine than others, and too often their 'our way or the
>>>> highway' attitude is in opposition to that.
>>> I tend to agree and the other thing I don't like about them is it 
>>> feels like the attitude is as you're prepared to pay a premium price 
>>> for the base product then you won't mind doing the same for 
>>> increasing the specs. I did quickly check on some of the option 
>>> prices and to say they are taking the pee is an understatement. To go 
>>> from 512GB/8GB to 1TB/16GB is a whopping £400. That's not to even 
>>> mention that for the base price it seems rater underpowered to start 
>>> with.
>> Price has never been a selling point with Apple products. >>
> Actually it is a selling point as an excuse for the user to claim 
> superiority over the lesser masses.

I should've said "low price." or "price/performance"

It's the whole wine thing.  It's good because it costs more.


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