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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: AJL <>
Subject: Re: Codes sent by text message
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 09:29:59 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 3/12/2024 5:53 AM, Newyana2 wrote:
> "AJL" <> wrote
> | That would be me. I visit my branch maybe twice a year to get cash for
> | emergencies (like if the checkout system is down) and tips. Everything
> else
> | is done with the credit card. Love that Cashback card. Also love that
> folks
> | who pay with cash help support it...

>   Yes, I remember that about you.

I'm flattered. I remember you too. That's why I threw out the cashback 
fishhook. It worked... :)

> The man who would
> buy an expired lottery ticket if he could get cash back.

I don't gamble but you're right, everything goes on the cashback card. I 
usually get over $1000US back per year. Better than gambling because I 
always win...

> The
> man who wants to purchase a gravestone that says, "Here
> lies a man who never failed to get cash back."
> The trend seems to be much bigger than cash-back-mania,
> though. People in this thread are actually getting angry at
> merely the suggestion of having options besides cellphones
> for taking care of business.

> Cellphones have become a lifestyle.
> Many of those people are not even using charge cards.

I still use a card. I find it easier to dig my card out at the store 
than my cell phone.

> They're
> using debit, Square, Venmo...

Not me. I'm still using (gasp) checks. For example, one fits nicely 
under the front doormat for the yard guy...

> They've actually become
> accustomed to paying someone else to handle their cash, so
> that all transactions -- even lending $20 to a friend -- go
> through a payment service.

You'd be proud of me. I give the grand and greatgrandkids CASH gifts.

>   Some people are just afraid of cash, fearing that they'll
> be mugged if they have money.

And if they are mugged and don't have any cash, no loss...

> Others feel Jetson-esque,
> waving their iPhone at Starbucks.

Hardly, since almost EVERYBODY is waving their phone these days. But 
they probably would all stop and point at someone using cash... ;)

> Many young people
> probably know payment services as where money comes from.
> But I suspect the main motivator is just habit: Once people
> are constantly using their cellphone, it becomes convenient
> to do everything through it.

Sure beats a phone being tied to the wall IMO.

>    As Carlos put it, people addicted to cellphones
> would like to believe that everyone else "does not matter".
> They not only want cellphone options, they want cellphone
> interaction to be enforced as the only option. They
> want to live in Cellphone World.

>    I'm not so sure about automated checkouts, though. Some
> stores in the US are deciding to remove or reduce them due
> to theft.

It's a balancing act. If the increased $$ theft is less than the fired 
cashiers salary $$ then they are still $$ ahead.

>    At the same time, you run the risk of being accused of
> theft when using self-checkout:

Life's a bitch, huh.

Having my receipt checked on the way out is no big deal for me. And it 
is a theft deterrent which helps to keep the prices down for us honest 

>     There's also a controversy around restaurants with QR
> code menus. Most people are happy to use their cellphone
> to read the menu, but then they're questioning why they
> should tip for barebones service...

Since I don't give to any charities I use tipping as my charity and tip 
well. Those folks who wait tables need it IMO. And since I generally eat 
out most every day that does come to a few (credit card cashback) 
bucks...  ;)

>    So we run into an entirely
> different issue: How does human society work without
> personal interactions? Maybe you'll be able to use your
> famous cash-back charge card to buy conversations...
> Perhaps Monty Python's argument service wasn't so
> farfetched. :)
>   I used a self checkout for the first time recently. There
> were 8 women with full carts at the only Target register,
> and the self checkout took cash. I don't really mind it
> there. They have the best prices, by far, on household
> items. And Target seems to be the only place left to buy
> such a simple thing as a pack or sponges -- just a plain old
> 4-pack of kitchen sponges, without a "patented
> scrubber surface" or any other overpriced gimmick. So
> I accept that they need to cut corners. Though I have to
> find another source for underwear and socks now. Target
> has locked them in display cases! Apparently people were
> stealing them and sneaking through the self-checkout.

I have 2 Targets within 5 miles of me. My favorite purchases have been 
new cell phones on the discount rack. I got one for $13US and another 
for $15. I never used them for phones but they made great Android toys 
(see, I'm back on topic)...