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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Idlehands <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Cartoon Logic
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 21:34:17 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 45
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On 2024-03-12 9:18 p.m., The True Doctor wrote:
> On 11/03/2024 09:21, Daniel65 wrote:
>> Blueshirt wrote on 11/3/24 5:21 am:
>>> The True Doctor wrote:
>>>> On 10/03/2024 16:05, Blueshirt wrote:
>> <Snip>
>>>>> If a TV show offends you, why watch it? The only logical
>>>>> answer is that you watch it to be offended. I think you are
>>>>> a bit of a snowflake.
>>>> Why should I be forced to watch gay porn on Doctor Who because
>>>> of being a fan since childhood, when Doctor Who was never
>>>> supposed to be about any sort of sexuality, since it was aimed
>>>> at children? Perverts like RTD that have admitted to wanting
>>>> to groom children in order to get them to discover their
>>>> sexuality should be arrested and locked up.
>>> NOBODY is forcing you to watch it! But YOU keep watching it
>>> anyway. Switch it off if you don't like it! After all, according
>>> to you the show finished in 2017. So I find it odd that you
>>> continually watch something you clearly don't like and say
>>> finished seven years ago!
>> Forget 2017 ..... wasn't RTD in-charge for the re-boot back in 2005??
>> Maybe he's been corrupting 'our' children since then!!
> By his own admission he has. He explicitly stated in a episode of Doctor 
> Who Confidential or some other show or magazine that he gets a thrill 
> every time he hears of a child that has discovered that it is homosexual.

Wow, talk about evidence, "in some show or magazine he stated", sounds 
more like you heard what you want to hear.

Or he was thrilled that some youth feel safe enough to come out of the 
closet.  Of course they haven't met you yet so they should think twice.

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw