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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Nyssa <>
Subject: Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.
Date: Sun, 19 May 2024 18:45:21 -0400
Organization: At River's End
Lines: 103
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Robin Miller wrote:

> Nyssa wrote:
>> Robin Miller wrote:
>>> Adam H. Kerman wrote:
>>>> Nyssa  <> wrote:
>>>>> Adam H. Kerman wrote:
>>>>>> super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thought he was worth a mention in here even if
>>>>>>> nobody else bothered to.
>>>>>>> Maybe it's because he was described by the NYT as
>>>>>>> "the actor audiences loved to hate."
>>>>>>> Must have been because of the "9 to 5" role, I
>>>>>>> certainly never hated him.
>>>>>> 9 to 5 was a lousy movie.
>>>>>> Coleman absolutely played unsympathetic characters
>>>>>> but he was a terrific actor.
>>>>>> As this is a tv newsgroup, let's recall his two tv
>>>>>> series, Buffalo Bill and The Slap Maxwell story
>>>>>> (which gave the world Meaghan Gallager and her
>>>>>> glorious long hair).
>>>>> The first time Coleman pinged my radar was when he
>>>>> played the con-man father of a child evangelist on
>>>>> "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman."
>>>> Good point. This was mentioned in the obits and I
>>>> forgot to include it.
>>>>> Another sleazy character, but as always, played to
>>>>> perfection.
>>>>> Nyssa, who wonders whatever happened to the child
>>>>> actor who played Jimmy Joe Jeeter on that show
>>> He stopped acting in 1986, when he was probably 18:
>>> Maybe went to college?
>>> Someone with his birth name (Marcus Issoglio) appears to
>>> be a physical therapist living in Yreka, California,
>>> according to LinkedIn:
>>> --Robin
>> Thanks, Robin! Good detective work. ;)
>> I was impressed with his acting chops on "Mary Hartman,
>> Mary Hartman," but never saw him in any other role.
>> It sounds like he made the decision for himself and
>> landed on his feet with an in-demand career choice.
>> Good for him!
>> Nyssa, who is always pleased to read about a good
>> outcome for talented child actors when they choose
>> a different career path as an adult (knowing that
>> the story doesn't always end well for many kids in
>> the business)
> And the person on LinkedIn went to high school from
> 1983-1986, which is exactly the right age for him. And
> they're both from/in California. I bet that's the same
> person.
> --Robin
I'm confident that you're right. The real last name isn't
a common one.

It's very nice to know that he's having a good life and
not a drug-addled derelict living in a gutter somewhere. :)

I thought he was a talented kid when he was on the
Mary Hartman show in a fairly difficult role (serious kid
evangelist with a problematic father he wanted to please).
It seems he has other talents too and has built a stable
life for himself away from LA-LA Land.

Thanks again for doing the digging and research!

Nyssa, who always likes it when a mystery is solved with
a happy ending