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From: kyonshi <gmkeros@gmail.com>
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Subject: Re: What do you think will be the first game to use real AI?
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On 3/13/2024 4:03 PM, Ross Ridge wrote:
> Anssi Saari  <anssi.saari@usenet.mail.kapsi.fi> wrote:
>> I think that line is from the Star Wars novel, no? It's a little weird
>> how in the movies those precise and efficient stormtroopers got whaled
>> on by some randos with no military training. And apparently some of the
>> randos got promoted to generals too.
> "Only Imperial Stormtoopers are so precise" is a line from the first
> movie.  Obi-Wan Kenobi says it in regards to "blast-points" on a destroyed
> Jawa crawler, arguing thwy couldn't have be made by Tuskan raiders.

Of course at that point we don't know anything about Imperial 
Stormtroopers (besides the boarding action earlier where they actually 
did hit quite a few people), and Obi-Wan has been stuck on Tatooine for 
a while.