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From: Dimensional Traveler <dtravel@sonic.net>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: Bobby Kotick Lands on his feet
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 09:37:27 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 3/11/2024 4:53 PM, Spalls Hurgenson wrote:
> <snark mode=full power>
<snip for space>
> * read here:
> https://www.wsj.com/tech/why-the-new-effort-to-ban-tiktok-caught-fire-with-lawmakers-7cd3f980?st=jnjw9hqtrb8mfct&s=03
Just to show another angle on this....

House passes a bill that could lead to a TikTok ban if Chinese owner 
refuses to sell
The Associated Press


The US House of Representatives passed a bill to require the company 
that owns TikTok to sell it to a non-Chinese entity or be banned in the US.

I've done good in this world. Now I'm tired and just want to be a cranky 
dirty old man.