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From: usenet@dolik.dev (Andriy D)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi
Subject: Re: Backup power supply
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2024 13:28:29 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: Hugayda Station
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Joe <none@nowhere.whereo> wrote:

>>> I'm using a cheap APC, I believe 650 or 750, with USB monitoring 
>>> hookup.  Also have my router connected (with VOIP) to keep
>>> communication possible for a little while (runtime abt 30 minutes).
>>>  Battery replaced once, I believe it was some 7 years old.
>>Somehow that makes no sense to me..... current 650 is 227 (maybe plus 
>>VAT) on the APC website. 5 times the cost of the Pi. I'm sure it's a 
>>very nice UPS, but.... ???
> This one https://www.amazon.co.uk/Eaton-850B-UPS-Uninterruptible-Type
> -Black-white/dp/B0B3RQN8QT 
> @ (today) 126 UKP is similar to the
> APC, includes shutdown & monitoring via USB + software.  I trust Eaton 
> as much (or more) as APC.
Speaking of Eaton, I've found they have Eaton 3S Mini UPS which seems to
be good a match for my original purpose. And price of around 50 eur makes
 it a cheapest brand-name option so far :)

