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Path: ...!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Agent Jakanov <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: The Lemonade Treatment
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 15:00:32 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: TWA
Lines: 51
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Bytes: 2579 (The Doctor) wrote in

> Agent Jakanov  <> wrote:

>>>>Regeneration crises are almost a tradition in Doctor Who.  At least
>>>>they tried to do something different with it, even if the execution
>>>>was lacking. 
>>> They never were until JN-T introduced it!
>>Untrue.  The 3rd Doctor was incapacitated for a large part of his
>>first story.  The intro stories for the 5th and 10th Doctors copied
> But not unstable!


>>Terrance Dicks own novelization confirmed that the 4th Doctor acted
>>really strange and bonkers for an extended period after his
>>regeneration, although much of it was offscreen, such as his first
>>encounter with Xoanon.  The 11th Doctor's intro copied this. 
> Oh?  The 111th Doctor was trying to get control.
> The 4th Doctor was very conscious when he arose.

But very unstable. Xoanon is the proof!
>>The 7th and 8th Doctors were very unsure of who they were for a while.

8th Doctor was not JNT.

>>The 6th Doctor's regeneration crisis could have been better executed. 
>>In a later scene, a parallel was implied between Hugo almost shooting
>>the Doctor, thinking he had kidnapped the Twins and destroyed his
>>fleet, and the Doctor almost killing Peri, because they both had
>>experienced traumas, but the direction of the story does not make it

And Eric Saward.  Like I said, I can see they were at least trying to do 
something interesting and novel with it, in both the long and short 