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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: The Real Bev <>
Subject: Re: No fault cell phone law
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2024 14:41:50 -0700
Organization: None, as usual
Lines: 48
Message-ID: <ut7o2u$3oeuh$>
References: <ut4s0v$9ei$> <ut5bef$353ou$>
 <> <ut7jmg$3ndij$>
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Injection-Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2024 21:41:50 -0000 (UTC)
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On 3/17/24 1:44 PM, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> The Real Bev <> wrote:
>> On 3/17/24 9:27 AM, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> [...]
>> >    The Real Bev severely cut the 'Newsgroups: line (without saying so).
>> > The original list apparently was:
>> > 
>> > Newsgroups:,,,alt.society.liberalism,talk.politics.guns
>> > 
>> >    I think that says enough.
>> Mea culpa, I usually mention that other newsgroups were snipped.
>    When you do, please also note *which* newsgroups were snipped, so
> readers are informed, especially about troll-groups like this.

No.  The only readers will be those in the group that *I* am reading, 
and those are the only ones I'm concerned with.  It's sufficient to say 
"other groups snipped".  If anyone is interested they can look at 
previous postings.

>> I snip for two reasons.  The most important one is that I refuse to 
>> encourage flamage, which is apparently the intent of many original 
>> posts.  The second is that Thunderbird refuses to send to more than one 
>> newsserver at a time.  Since I have no way of knowing (without spending 
>> far more time than is warranted) which groups come from which servers, I 
>> snip the ones I'm not involved in.
>    Crossposting doesn't involve multiple news*servers*, only multiple
> news*groups*. However it is possible that your newsserver (Eternal
> September) limits the number of groups in a crosspost. AFAIK, 4 is a
> common limit. The OP was crossposted to 5 groups.

No idea, but I take TB's word for it. It doesn't make sense to me 
either. Next time I'll try x-posting to all of them and quote the exact 
error message.

>> I do apologize for not giving notice, though.
>    No worries, just pay attention on the crosswalk when I'm approaching!

Always!  Well, you have to actually be IN it, not just approaching.

Cheers, Bev
   "Attention: All virgins report to Paradise immediately!!
    This is not a drill."                     --MWilliams