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From: The Real Bev <>
Subject: Re: No fault cell phone law
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 12:13:40 -0700
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On 3/20/24 8:33 AM, AJL wrote:
> On 3/20/24 6:17 AM, Carlos E.R. wrote:
>>Over here, the law says it is forbidden to use a phone while driving, 
>>without a hands free system. And even with such a system it recommends 
>>to keep the conversation to a minimum, and is justified by causing 

Fine with me. The one time I did it I could actually FEEL my peripheral 
perception closing down.  It's fortunate that I rarely need to use the 
phone in the car, and when I do I pull over and stop.
>   Does it recommend keeping conversation with passengers to a minimum also?
>   When hearing that warning I often wondered why they weren't also included.
>   They are perhaps more dangerous since folks sometimes glance sideways at
>   their passenger while talking...

I never look at my passenger and it drives me nuts when I see the driver 
looking at the passenger in movies.  Like seeing an open refrigerator 
door.  I don't even like talking while driving -- I've missed far too 
many turnoffs when I was chatting.  Our internal autopilot works 
entirely too well.

Cheers, Bev
  "Many realize that the control of language is power. If you can't speak
   your mind, your opinions have no weight."           --nightfire-unique