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From: "Paul B. Andersen" <>
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: [SR] Usefulness of real velocities in accelerated relativistic
 frames of reference.
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 20:19:23 +0100
Organization: i2pn2 (
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Den 19.03.2024 21:09, skrev Richard Hachel:
> Le 19/03/2024 à 20:44, "Paul B. Andersen" a écrit :
>> What SR predicts is not a matter of opinion,
>> it is a matter of fact.
>> ======================
>> The proper time of the rocket when it passes Tau Ceti is:
>>   τ = (c/a)⋅arsinh(a⋅t) = 3.13894 y
>> The speed of the rocket in the terrestrial frame
>> when it passes Tau Ceti is:
>>    v = a⋅t/√(1 + (a⋅t/c)²) = 0.9973 ly/y
>> Facts. Indisputable!
> Vous vous trompez.
> Doublement.
> 1. Cette optique relativiste est incohérente et théoriquement incorrecte.
> 2. Je suis persuadé que les faits expérimentaux iront contre.
> Je gagne toujours, ne l'oubliez pas.
> R.H.

"Goddag mann - økseskaft" er en norsk historie som passer bra til
  dette tullet. Gagga drutto totto libre abba setruska babbell og
  hip urra.


  So there!
