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From: Justisaur <justisaur@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: Pumpkin pie spice extract fix?
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 09:54:58 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 3/21/2024 3:02 AM, JAB wrote:
> On 20/03/2024 04:36, Justisaur wrote:
>> Yes, I had trouble getting it to post and somehow ended up here 
>> instead of the intended group rec.food.cooking which I recently 
>> joined, is very active and reminds me of the good old days of a bunch 
>> of crazies talking random shit in addition to talking about the 
>> newsgroup subject.
>> Am I too far afield for CSIPGA?  :D
> Considering other things we talk about probably not. Anyway being from 
> the UK pumpkins aren't really a thing, and certainly not pumpkin in a 
> can, except for Halloween and we still don't eat them. Strangely Butter 
> Nut squashes are freely available all year round.
> My guess though would be similar to yours in that there's something else 
> besides just the spices. Did you use whole spices or ones that were 
> already ground up as I'm guessing that for the latter it's quite 
> possibly some sort anti-caking agent is in with them?

Already ground up.

Butternut tastes better to me actually but fairly similar, at least if 
you just cook it and spice it without pumpkin pie spices.  I'm not sure 
how it would taste with pumpkin pie spice.  I've started seeing sweet 
potato pie replacing pumpkin here, and that's even worse, though maybe 
if it's maple flavored instead it'd be better.


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