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From: super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.movies.past-films
Subject: Re: THE STING (1973)
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 19:04:57 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-03-23 23:27:39 +0000, Bill Anderson said:

> Another notable movie for my young friend who can play games on my computer
> but only if he watches a movie with me.
> I think I had not seen THE STING since it was a big deal in 1973 and
> everybody was humming Scott Joplin. Of course I remembered the final
> outcome, but I did not remember how they got to that point and we had a
> great time following the story together. He kept asking me questions like,
> “are they really FBI?“ and I had to admit I just didn’t remember and I was
> wondering the same thing. It was fun.
> He said it wasn’t the greatest movie he had ever seen but the acting was
> some of the greatest.
> Who is that actor playing Gondorff?
> That’s Paul Newman.
> How old is he now?
> He’s dead.
> Well darn. He’s really good.
> Another actor that impressed him, believe it or not, was Harold Gould. It
> wasn’t so much his acting as it was his clothes. The kid is 18 and really
> concerned about his appearance and he thinks Harold Gould, who is something
> of a dandy in the movie, really knew how to look sharp.
> I have found that as long as I keep showing him good movies, he keeps
> coming back for more.

I'm with your friend, I've never liked this movie.