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From: candycanearter07 <candycanearter07@candycanearter07.nomail.afraid>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: Can Games Get Any Better (2024 Ed)
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 15:40:12 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: the-candyden-of-code
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Justisaur <justisaur@yahoo.com> wrote at 14:09 this Tuesday (GMT):
> On 3/26/2024 4:47 AM, Werner P. wrote:
>> Am 26.03.24 um 12:47 schrieb Werner P.:
>>> Am 22.03.24 um 17:54 schrieb Spalls Hurgenson:
>>>> In other words, are modern games better? More advanced? More fun? Do
>>>> you think games will be better or different in the future? Or are we
>>>> perpetually stuck in the doldrums?
>>>> (And finally, do you think we'll all be around to revive this topic in
>>>> 2035? 😉
>>> well many games like movies have become formulaic spreadsheet todo 
>>> lists in game design, the bigger a game the more likely this is to be 
>>> the case.
>>> Add on top that we are in phase agewise where we literally have seen 
>>> everything in this area just with less sophisticated graphics.
>>> So yes the games industry has gone the way of the movie industry, 
>>> formulaic games, indie games which try to do something new or are just 
>>> junk and from time to time a really good title which tries to break 
>>> new ground or at least does not feel formulaic, like BG3 for instance.
>> PS I am slowly phasing out gaming as my hobby, i frankly do not have 
>> time for it anymore, and the have seen everything effect is big on me.
>> So expect to hear and read from me less and less unless I got rid of my 
>> gaming fatique!
> I feel like that to some extent, but physical limitations keep me from 
> doing too much else so I go back to it.  However I'm also at the point I 
> get fatigued much quicker than I used to and can't play as much, and 
> faster twitch games while I can keep up with them a little typically 
> leave me in a state that feels like it's getting close to death's door.
> My other hobby has mostly moved past me.  D&D I don't like the new 
> rules, I can't find a group that's like the old ones, kids make it 
> difficult to schedule, and our last move left me with nowhere to play it 
> at my place.
> Unfortunately that leaves me with two habits I'd really like to stop, or 
> at least curb considerably watching youtube and reading reddit which 
> just feels like waiting to die.

I have gotten really burned out on most of my library.. RN, I'm
replaying the Phoenix Wright games.

I at least do have another two hobbies in drawing (my username) and
coding/tech stuff.
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