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From: "Paul B. Andersen" <relativity@paulba.no>
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: [SR] The traveler of Tau Ceti
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 21:47:31 +0100
Organization: i2pn2 (i2pn.org)
Message-ID: <utvc5s$3577m$1@i2pn2.org>
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Den 22.03.2024 09:49, skrev Richard Hachel:
> Le 21/03/2024 à 21:05, "Paul B. Andersen" a écrit :
>> You claim that the speed of an object in an inertial frame
>> may be several times the speed of light, but will always be
>> measured to be less than c.
> It's not just that I claim it, it's that it's logical, coherent, 
> mathematical.
> Already forty years ago, I gave the five basic equations (hundreds will 
> follow) of SR.
> To²=Tr²+Et²
> To=Tr.sqrt(1+Vr²/c²)
> Tr=To.sqrt(1-Vo²/c²)
> Vo=Vr/sqrt(1+Vr²/c²)
> Vr=Vo/sqrt(1-Vo²/c²)

In the Large Hadron Collider [LHC] at Cern the measured speed
of the protons is Vo = 0.9999999896⋅c

The circumference of the LHC and the time to go around
the circuit are precisely known.

Are you claiming that the real speed of the protons in the LHC is
  Vr = 6927⋅c ?

