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From: Justisaur <>
Subject: Re: Can Games Get Any Better (2024 Ed)
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 15:30:13 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 3/26/2024 7:56 AM, Zaghadka wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Mar 2024 07:09:16 -0700, in,
> Justisaur wrote:
>> On 3/26/2024 4:47 AM, Werner P. wrote:
>>> Am 26.03.24 um 12:47 schrieb Werner P.:
>>>> Am 22.03.24 um 17:54 schrieb Spalls Hurgenson:
>>>>> In other words, are modern games better? More advanced? More fun? Do
>>>>> you think games will be better or different in the future? Or are we
>>>>> perpetually stuck in the doldrums?
>>>>> (And finally, do you think we'll all be around to revive this topic in
>>>>> 2035? ?
>>>> well many games like movies have become formulaic spreadsheet todo
>>>> lists in game design, the bigger a game the more likely this is to be
>>>> the case.
>>>> Add on top that we are in phase agewise where we literally have seen
>>>> everything in this area just with less sophisticated graphics.
>>>> So yes the games industry has gone the way of the movie industry,
>>>> formulaic games, indie games which try to do something new or are just
>>>> junk and from time to time a really good title which tries to break
>>>> new ground or at least does not feel formulaic, like BG3 for instance.
>>> PS I am slowly phasing out gaming as my hobby, i frankly do not have
>>> time for it anymore, and the have seen everything effect is big on me.
>>> So expect to hear and read from me less and less unless I got rid of my
>>> gaming fatique!
>> I feel like that to some extent, but physical limitations keep me from
>> doing too much else so I go back to it.  However I'm also at the point I
>> get fatigued much quicker than I used to and can't play as much, and
>> faster twitch games while I can keep up with them a little typically
>> leave me in a state that feels like it's getting close to death's door.
>> My other hobby has mostly moved past me.  D&D I don't like the new
>> rules, I can't find a group that's like the old ones, kids make it
>> difficult to schedule, and our last move left me with nowhere to play it
>> at my place.
>> Unfortunately that leaves me with two habits I'd really like to stop, or
>> at least curb considerably watching youtube and reading reddit which
>> just feels like waiting to die.
> You interested in a paid game? $25 a session, Pathfinder 1e with 3.5e
> supplementation. Basically OP 3.5 with PF skills. Played over Roll20 and
> Discord. Sessions meet every other Wednesday at UTC 18:00. Next session
> is April 3rd. Traditional dungeon crawl.
> A good friend of mine went pro-GM a couple of years ago. He's put a lot
> of work into it. Email me at my header address if you'd like to try it
> out or join.

Thanks for the offer, but I prefer to DM, and PF just felt like 3.5 
taken to 11, which was the wrong way to go in my opinion, it needed to 
be reigned in a bit.

The only game I ever payed to be in (well if you don't count paying for 
entry to a con of which I've only been to 3) ended quickly and very 
poorly with the DM tearing my character sheet up after targeting me for 
1 damage from each of a hundred bees as the first encounter.  Back in 
the early days of Player vs. DM of course in 1e.  So I'm a bit shy of 
doing that.

I'm tempted to check into if WotC has 'living FR' or whatever it is now 
games at the local comic book store, as I ran a few of those games I had 
a blast at with a bunch of teens in the 4e days (Yes worst edition ever, 
but the kid's enthusiasm more than made up for it.) I tried running my 
own homebrew edition a couple times at meetups and the comic book store, 
but only had 2 newbie takers as overflow from one of the 5e games one 
time, it went o.k., but they were more interested in trying 5e.

I thought I was feeling some hostility from the 5e DMs there, but it 
could've just been me, or maybe it was from the comic book store as I 
wasn't using the books they were selling.


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