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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: "Adam H. Kerman" <>
Subject: Re: Inconvenient lefties
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 04:16:18 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 53
Message-ID: <uu2qui$3bssb$>
References: <utks3h$35980$> <> <17c0ceb693286352$341$3121036$> <>
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BTR1701  <> wrote:
>On Mar 27, 2024 at 8:05:40 PM PDT, "moviePig" <> wrote:
>> On 3/27/2024 7:58 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>  In article
>>>  <17c0c13d249c8eca$72548$1768716$>,
>>>    moviePig <> wrote:
>>>>  On 3/27/2024 6:57 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>  In article <uu22s3$32lii$>,
>>>>>     "Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:
>>>>>>  BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>>>>>>  Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>  Last Friday, a Chicago alderman (there are cockroaches with
>higher social
>>>>>>>>  standing) gave a speech at a rally outside city hall condemning Biden
>>>>>>>>  and support for Israel in the war against Hamas. A veteran had burned a
>>>>>>>>  special American flag
>>>>>>>  Why is it that burning the American flag is protected speech, but if you
>>>>>>>  burn an Alphabet Mafia rainbow flag, you can get arrested for a hate
>>>>>>>  crime?
>>>>>>  You mean a flag that does not belong to you, not your own flag.
>>>>>  No, I mean any rainbow flag. If you go buy one yourself, then take it to
>>>>>  an anti-troon protest and burn it, it's a hate crime.
>>>>>  But if you buy an American flag and take it to an Antifa riot and burn
>>>>>  it, protected speech.
>>>>  The former action is one of hate, the latter is one of protest.
>>>  What if the former is one of protest, too?
>> That'd be for a judge to be convinced of
>Since when do I have to convince the government of the reasons for my speech
>to keep from being jailed for it?
>"Congress shall make no law..."
>>  ...who might ask, e.g., whether the defendant *knew* how the act would be
>> perceived.
>My right to free speech isn't dependent on how someone else-- with an agenda
>of their own-- might perceive my words.

Why do I have deja vu every time you try to explain the incredibly obvious
to moviePig? Why do I have deja vu every time you try to explain the
incredibly obvious to moviePig?