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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Ubiquitous <>
Subject: Re: NBC News To Fire Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel After
 On-Air Hosts Revolt: Report
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 04:30:48 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 106
Message-ID: <uu3kuj$3hd3s$>
References: <> <uu1875$2sfi6$>
 <> <uu1rei$313tq$>
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Bytes: 5713 wrote:
> Ubiquitous <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> Nyssa <> wrote:
>>>> Ubiquitous wrote:

>>>>> NBC News is reportedly planning to fire former Republican
>>>>> National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel after
>>>>> many top on-air hosts at MSNBC lambasted the network for
>>>>> its decision to hire her last week.
>>>>> “NBC NEWS plans to drop ex RNC-chair Ronna McDaniel as a
>>>>> paid contributor following on-air revolt from NBC/MSNBC
>>>>> talent,” said Puck News reporter Dylan Byers. “Execs are
>>>>> deliberating over details; announcement pending.
>>>>> Meanwhile, McDaniel is seeking legal representation.”
>>>>> The move comes after many of MSNBC’s top stars publicly
>>>>> attacked NBC News on their shows this week for hiring
>>>>> McDaniel, claiming that she was dishonest.
>>>>> Some notable examples of MSNBC hosts who attacked their
>>>>> network included:
>>>>> • Joe Scarborough: “We weren’t asked our opinion of the
>>>>> hiring, but if we were, we would have strongly objected to
>>>>> it for several reasons.”
>>>>> • Mika Brzezinski: “We hope NBC will reconsider its
>>>>> decision.”
>>>>> • Chuck Todd: “Look, there’s a reason why there’s a lot of
>>>>> journalists at NBC News are uncomfortable with this.
>>>>> Because many of our professional dealings with the RNC
>>>>> over the last six years have been met with gaslighting,
>>>>> have been met with character assassination.”
>>>>> • Nicolle Wallace: “NBC News, either wittingly or
>>>>> unwittingly, is teaching election deniers that what they
>>>>> can do stretches well beyond appearing on our air and
>>>>> interviews to peddle lies about the sanctity and integrity
>>>>> of our elections, which Ronna McDaniel did on yesterday’s
>>>>> ‘Meet the Press’… and they can do that as one of us, as
>>>>> badge-carrying employees of NBC News, as paid contributors
>>>>> to our sacred airwaves.”
>>>>> • Rachel Maddow: “The fact that Ms. McDaniel is on the
>>>>> payroll at NBC News – to me that is inexplicable.”
>>>>> • Jen Psaki: “To quote Liz Cheney, Ronna facilitated
>>>>> Trump’s corrupt fake elector and his effort to pressure
>>>>> Michigan officials not to certify the legitimate election
>>>>> outcome. She spread his lies and called January 6th
>>>>> ‘legitimate political discourse.’ Look, this isn’t about
>>>>> Republicans versus Democrats. This isn’t about red versus
>>>>> blue. This is about truth versus lies. Service to the
>>>>> country versus service to one man committed to toppling
>>>>> our democratic system.”
>>>>> • Lawrence O’Donnell: “MSNBC will not use Ronna McDaniel
>>>>> as a political analyst. But I do have a few questions for
>>>>> her whenever she might want to come on this program. And
>>>>> I’ll make it easy for her. I’ll tell her the questions
>>>>> ahead of time. My first question would be, why did you
>>>>> change your name for Donald Trump? Before Trump ran for
>>>>> president, her name was Ronna Romney McDaniel. How does
>>>>> that feel, to change her name to curry favor with the
>>>>> madman because he doesn’t like your uncle? How did you
>>>>> explain that to your kids? What lesson did your kids learn
>>>>> from that?”
>>>> And this is a big issue why? 
>>>> I seem to remember that Hillary Rodham *added* Clinton
>>>> to her moniker long after marriage. She had claimed that
>>>> she kept her maiden name to honor her father, yet that
>>>> got dropped once some people seemed to think she needed
>>>> to use the Clinton name once Bubba made it to the big
>>>> time in politics.
>>> She also claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary, until he called 
>>> her a liar to her fat, ugly face.
>> I think he was dead  by then, but numerous people pointed out that she was 
>> born before he became famous.
>Yeah, she was six when he climbed Everest.
>She said it in 1995, and Sir Edmond lived until 2008.
>Even Snopes says the fat ugly bitch is a fat ugly lying bitch.
>She has since tried to get out of it by saying her mother told her this,
>but Snopes says she’s lying about that as well.
>You really have to be caught dirty to be a Democratic politician  called a
>liar by Snopes. Twice.

They certainly tried their hardest to rationalize it. LOL

Let's go Brandon!