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From: Ubiquitous <>
Subject: Joe Biden Is Being Played By The Mexican Government
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 04:30:50 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Sunday night on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the 
president of Mexico, explained that Mexico is going to continue to give the 
United States the runaround, on everything from mass illegal immigration 
being facilitated by the drug cartels across America through the southern 
border, to the importation of literally tons of fentanyl, which is killing 
over 100,000 Americans every single year.

It’s very clear that Mexico has been giving the United States the runaround. 
Even a senior fellow at the Left-wing Brookings Institution  — who directs 
the Initiative on Nonstate Armed Actors and the Brookings series ”The Opioid 
Crisis in America: Domestic and International Dimensions” — said last week,  
“Mexico eviscerated cooperation to a bare minimum because President Andrés 
Manuel López Obrador’s administration has been unwilling and uninterested in 
mounting any serious law enforcement policy toward Mexican criminal groups.”

It’s important to understand that Mexico is run by the drug cartels that 
bring in all the revenue. They kill anyone who gets in their way. They 
control the entirety of the length of the southern border of the United 

I have visited that border, and I can confirm they are flying Mexican drug 
cartel drones above American territory because they control the border.

According to that Brookings Institute representative, “Mexico continues to 
calculate that it can get away with only sporadic, minimal, and inadequate 
counternarcotics collaboration as long as it leverages its ability to hamper 
or permit the flow of undocumented migrants to the U.S.-Mexico border and as 
long as the United States depends on it for migration control.”

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show
Obrador was asked if the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was wrong in 
saying that the drug cartels were mass-producing fentanyl and if the State 
Department was wrong in saying most of the fentanyl was coming out of Mexico.

He answered that the DEA and the State Department were, indeed, wrong, then 
added, “Or rather, they don’t have all the information because fentanyl is 
also produced in the United States. … Fentanyl is produced in the United 
States, in Canada, and in Mexico. And the chemical precursors come from 

He’s lying. The vast majority of fentanyl is being trafficked across 
America’s southern border. The cartels are in league with China, who is 
sending the precursor chemicals for fentanyl creation to Mexico.

They used to pour pure, uncut fentanyl into Mexico for it to then be 
trafficked across the southern American border. But the United States put a 
bit of pressure on China under the Trump administration, and the Chinese 
government decided they were going to send precursors instead. They would use 
a legal fiction that would send all the ingredients, process all of it in 
Mexico, and then press it into pill form. That pill form doesn’t always look 
like fentanyl pills; sometimes it looks like drugs such as Adderall, which is 
why you’re seeing people who are being poisoned by fentanyl.

Obrador was asked, “What would happen to the U.S. if they closed the border?”

“You would not be able to buy inexpensive cars if the border is closed,” he 
answered. “That is, you would have to pay $10,000, $15,000, more for a car. 
There are factories in Mexico and there are factories in the United States 
that are fundamental for all the consumers in the United States and all the 
consumers in Mexico.”

When he says the United States can’t shut the border, what he is referring to 
is the flow of cars across the border. That is not the same thing as the 
United States being unable to stop the illegal migration across the border.

What the drug cartels are doing right now, as we saw in the first episode of 
our series “Divided States of Biden,” is dropping off hundreds of illegal 
immigrants at weigh stations in the desert, waiting for Border Patrol to 
congregate at those stations, and then sending people with backpacks filled 
with fentanyl over the border into the United States.

WATCH: “The Divided States of Biden” on DailyWire+
We examine all of this in the second episode of the series, which is a 
groundbreaking piece of investigative work. We investigate everything from 
the Chinese-Mexican-American trafficking relationship to the fentanyl crisis 
in Kensington, an area of Philadelphia.

This is on Joe Biden. Our wide-open southern border is on Joe Biden. He’s not 
using leverage against the Mexican government. He’s not doing anything.

How do we know this? Because Obrador said that in order for him to stop the 
illegal immigration wave across the southern border, he wants the United 
States to commit $20 billion a year to poor countries in Latin America and 
the Caribbean, to lift all sanctions on Venezuela (a communist regime), end 
the embargo on Cuba (another communist regime), and legalize anyone who’s an 
illegal immigrant living in the United States.

He’s now holding up — at point of fentanyl gun — the United States.

And Joe Biden is doing nothing about it.

Let's go Brandon!