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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: FPP <>
Subject: Re: Mail-In Voting
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2024 09:30:36 -0400
Organization: Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 3/31/24 4:41 AM, trotsky wrote:
> On 3/30/24 4:00 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>> In article <uu9fbs$13o15$>, FPP <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 3/29/24 5:43 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>> In article <>,
>>>>    shawn <> wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 29 Mar 2024 13:02:49 -0700, BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>>>>> In article <>,
>>>>>> shawn <> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, 29 Mar 2024 11:27:17 -0700, BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> In article <uu6j76$b577$>, FPP 
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 3/28/24 1:57 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> In article <uu3vv9$3kt4j$>, FPP 
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 3/27/24 9:41 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> France banned mail-in voting in 1975 due to fraud.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mexico banned mail-in voting in 1992 due to fraud.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Belgium banned mail-in voting in 2018 due to fraud.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sweden rejected a mail-in voting proposal.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Italy rejected a mail-in voting proposal.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ukraine rejected a mail-in voting proposal.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Russia and Japan do not permit mail-in voting.
>>>>>>>>>>>> No Middle Eastern country permits mail-in voting.
>>>>>>>>>>>> No Latin American country permits mail-in voting.
>>>>>>>>>>>> In the United States, Democrats love mail-in voting and are 
>>>>>>>>>>>> trying
>>>>>>>>>>>> their damnedest to get instituted everywhere.
>>>>>>>>>>> Why don't we just go back to making a mark on a piece of broken
>>>>>>>>>>> pottery, and put it in a big wine jar?
>>>>>>>>>>> Because that's WAY better than requesting a ballot online and
>>>>>>>>>>> filling it out and putting it in the mail - and then track it
>>>>>>>>>>> online so you can see it was received and accepted.
>>>>>>>>>>> Because one of those ways is a 21st century innovation, and the
>>>>>>>>>>> others are as incredibly outdated as stone knives and bear 
>>>>>>>>>>> skins.
>>>>>>>>>> And yet it'd still be better than what we have now in mail-in
>>>>>>>>>> California, where they're *still* counting the March primary 
>>>>>>>>>> votes.
>>>>>>>>>> And not only does Schiff keep gaining votes, but Garvey seems to
>>>>>>>>>> somehow be *losing* them.
>>>>>>>>>> How do vote totals for a candidate go down? Only in California...
>>>>>>>>> By math, stupid. The same way they go up.
>>>>>>>> How do you count ten votes for Garvey and then an hour later 
>>>>>>>> reduce the
>>>>>>>> total to eight? Did those two mystery votes exist or not? Did 
>>>>>>>> you count
>>>>>>>> them or not? If you counted them, how could they go away and 
>>>>>>>> reduce the
>>>>>>>> total?
>>>>>>>> If someone gives you a pile of apples to count and then 
>>>>>>>> periodically
>>>>>>>> checks in to see how you're doing, why would there be less 
>>>>>>>> apples at the
>>>>>>>> last check-in than there were at the first?
>>>>>>> Someone made a mistake in the count in the first place, or someone
>>>>>>> counted votes for Garvey but it was provisional and those votes were
>>>>>>> later removed. Without hearing from the people responsible 
>>>>>>> there's no
>>>>>>> way to know just what happened.
>>>>>> It's weird how this only happens to the Republican candidate. We 
>>>>>> didn't
>>>>>> see any reduction in votes for Schiff. His numbers only rise. Same 
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> the other Democrat, Katie Porter. Her numbers only go up. Just like
>>>>>> trunk ballots always favor the Democrat by some wild coincidence.
>>>>> Yet we keep running into this sort of thing:
>>>>> Georgia Republican official voted illegally...NINE TIMES
>>>>> Funny how when we find actual voter fraud it's often the Republicans
>>>>> that are involved. Not that it matters enough for anyone to truly care
>>>>> about since the numbers are in the tens of cases in the last few
>>>>> decades amounting to just a few votes. No major voter fraud has been
>>>>> found to have actually occurred in the USA in our lifetimes.
>>>> You've got to be kidding. The basic reason Joe Biden threw open the
>>>> southern border and left it that way for three years was nothing but a
>>>> gigantic voter fraud scheme.
>>>> The Democrats are currently running a long-term voter fraud scheme the
>>>> likes and size of which have no rival in human history.
>>> Georgia Republican official voted illegally...NINE TIMES.
>>> This is a fact.
>> Joe Biden is allowing tens of millions of illegals to flood into the
>> country. This is a fact.
> Did you forget to pull the proof out of your rectum again?  Those are 
> just MAGA talking points and the "fact" is three lies: the number of 
> people, calling them illegal, and Biden "allowing" this.  Lying is your 
> stock in trade now, thanks to your white supremacist compatriots I guess.

Biden wants to add border agents, beef up security, beef up the legal 
system to handle it.

And Republicans oppose it.  Why?  Because they don't want to fix the 
border, they want to campaign on it.

Just like Thanny is doing.

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC 
Bible  25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.