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From: FPP <>
Subject: Re: Dispatches from Clown World: Actual NY Times Headline
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2024 06:21:29 -0400
Organization: Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 4/2/24 4:32 AM, trotsky wrote:
> On 4/1/24 9:26 AM, FPP wrote:
>> On 3/31/24 1:26 PM, trotsky wrote:
>>> On 3/31/24 8:39 AM, FPP wrote:
>>>> On 3/30/24 4:13 PM, trotsky wrote:
>>>>> On 3/30/24 11:28 AM, FPP wrote:
>>>>>> On 3/29/24 1:48 PM, trotsky wrote:
>>>>>>> On 3/29/24 9:07 AM, FPP wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 3/28/24 3:44 PM, shawn wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 28 Mar 2024 17:41:20 +0000, BTR1701 <> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Mar 26, 2024 at 4:04:09 AM PDT, "FPP" <> 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 3/25/24 8:43 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Wait a minute. Trump's civil fraud verdict was based on 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the notion he
>>>>>>>>>>>>   systematically gave an incorrect valuation to his 
>>>>>>>>>>>> properties in order to
>>>>>>>>>>>>   deceive lenders (even though all lenders were repaid and 
>>>>>>>>>>>> none of them ever
>>>>>>>>>>>>   made complaints against him and all said they'd do 
>>>>>>>>>>>> business with him again).
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Now, the New York Times admits that reaching a proper 
>>>>>>>>>>>> valuation for Trump's
>>>>>>>>>>>>   buildings is a "guessing game".
>>>>>>>>>>> Bullshit.  He lied.
>>>>>>>>>>> For loans, he inflated his valuations.  For taxes, he lowered 
>>>>>>>>>>> his
>>>>>>>>>>> valuations.
>>>>>>>>>> So when Trump takes out a loan and pays it back with interest, 
>>>>>>>>>> that's a
>>>>>>>>>> crime.
>>>>>>>>> As Jon Stewart pointed out in his video Trump did pay the loan 
>>>>>>>>> back
>>>>>>>>> with interest but much less than he would have if he had given the
>>>>>>>>> properties the proper valuation. Which amounted to a lot due to 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> sums involved.
>>>>>>>> And he made the people of New York pick up the tab to make up 
>>>>>>>> for what he shorted the state.
>>>>>>>> Shorted on taxes, cheated banks out of their profits... profits 
>>>>>>>> that COULD have been lent out to other New Yorkers, who didn't 
>>>>>>>> lie and cheat.
>>>>>>>> Trump cheated and made those that didn't cheat pick up the slack.
>>>>>>> Is there a reason it took this long to bring him to justice?
>>>>>> Yeah.  Not a good reason... but the reason is Merrick the Mild 
>>>>>> doesn't want to ruffle any feathers.
>>>>>> He's part of the plan...
>>>>> I don't think Garland was ever cut out for this, he belonged on 
>>>>> SCOTUS but McConnell screwed him by committing an act of sedition.
>>>> Do you know Garland's background?  If you did, you wouldn't even ask...
>>> What was I asking?
>>>>> GOP extremists have long praised Garland. In 2017, after Trump 
>>>>> fired James Comey, Mitch McConnell suggested that Garland become 
>>>>> the FBI director.
>>>>> “I have spoken with the president about it. I recommended Merrick 
>>>>> Garland,” McConnell said in May 2017. He recited the propaganda 
>>>>> line that Garland “was the prosecutor in the Oklahoma City bombing 
>>>>> case.” (Garland was not. The lead prosecutor in the Oklahoma City 
>>>>> bombing case was Joseph Hartzler, and how that lie gets circulated 
>>>>> will be explained later.) McConnell added that Garland “would make 
>>>>> it clear that President Trump will continue the tradition at the 
>>>>> FBI of having an apolitical professional.”
>>>>> McConnell is not the only Republican linked to Russian oligarchs to 
>>>>> praise Garland. In 2010, when Garland was being considered for the 
>>>>> Supreme Court, Republican operative Joseph DiGenova commended 
>>>>> Garland as “a profoundly serious guy” who would be a great addition 
>>>>> to the court.
>>>>> In October 2021, Donald Trump praised Garland as “a good man” and 
>>>>> said he was glad Garland was Attorney General.
>>>> Garland is a stooge.  God, I hope Jack Smith isn't one too...
>> Republicans love Garland.  They keep bringing him up for everything.
>> And I think we know why now.
> Who are you quoting?  I never said Garland is a stooge.

No, I said he was a stooge.  Republicans love him.  Trump loves him.
Why the fuck hasn't he been shit-canned?

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC 
Bible  25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.