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From: Ubiquitous <>
Subject: Re: "Speak Out Loudly Against This Evil": Internet Erupts Over Biden Declaring Easter "Trans Day Of Visibility"
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2024 04:30:51 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 34
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References: <uubp1e$1q8rg$> <>
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Bytes: 2359 wrote:
> Ubiquitous <> wrote:

>>“I have as low an opinion of Biden as you can possibly have and yet this is 
>>so outrageously evil that I had to check to make sure it was real. It is,” 
>>Daily Wire host and author Matt Walsh said. “Our ‘catholic’ president has 
>>chosen the highest holiday on the Christian calendar to celebrate 
>>transgenderism. This man is a demon.”
>That's an exaggeration but no question, were I an American I'd vote
>for anybody BUT Biden solely on the basis of that.
>I have no particular problem with him setting such a day on any other
>day but to do it on the highest high holy day on the Christian
>calendar shows a level of insensitivity unworthy of any candidate for
>high office. I wouldn't do it on Yom Kippur or Eid either.
>And to do it in an election year even marks it as either just plain
>stupidity OR an allegiance to an agenda that is completely out of
>touch with his nation.
>If you want to be president you simply have to avoid unforced errors
>like that. Moral of the story is this move was either highly stupid or
>highly evil and I for one wouldn't want a president who was either. 
>Somehow I don't see Eisenhower, Kennedy Johnson or even Nixon doing

I also suspect this announcement would not have been made if it were during 
a Moslem holy holiday, like Ramadan.

Let's go Brandon!