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From: Don Y <blockedofcourse@foo.invalid>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Subject: Re: OT: Breeding nextgen Daleks!
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2024 08:03:41 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 4/2/2024 7:34 AM, Martin Brown wrote:
> One of my friends has a full size ex BBC one in his living room.

We had thought of putting a proper TARDIS in the back yard -- but figured the
reference would be lost on most folks.   (extra points to make it larger on
the inside!!!)

> Cybermen were much scarier though because they *could* climb stairs. Even if 
> they looked a lot like blokes in silver boilersuits with accordions and 
> plumbing for ears. Modern ones are much tougher looking.

The whole problem with Dr Who is that these things just keep recurring.
Sort of like the Star Wars trilogies:  A swats B; B swats A; A swats B; ...

Any time-travel-related story too often falls on "let's go to a different
time" to get the writers out of a bind and save them from having to think up
some truly original plot.  The "magic wand" solution.

> If you want a really badly made Dr Who alien "The Ark in Space, 1974" is one 
> such. Amazing what you can do with green paint and bubblewrap.
> https://randomwhoness.com/2016/11/11/imagination-bubble-wrap-and-the-ark-in-space-1974/
> If you go even further back there were plenty of worse aliens in the likes of 
> "Plan 9 from Outer Space". A film that was so bad that it became good again and 
> had a cult following (along with others of that ilk). I can't recall the film 
> now but another alien was obviously two blokes under a carpet!

In the 60's, the introduction of color TV made for some truly silly
"aliens" in the sci-fi serieses of the day:  Lost in Space, Voyage to
the Bottom of the Sea, Star Trek, etc.  Often, guys dressed in rubber
suits -- that were rePAINTed from one episode to the next to create
an entirely new alien!


[we used to make *active* Tribbles in college and drop them in/near
folks' beds to be "discovered" when the room had gone quiet enough to sleep]

OTOH, Robbie the Robot (/Forbidden Planet/, /The Invisible Boy/, etc.)
epitomizes what a robot *should* look like!  (though the newest rendering
of Marvin is an amusing, modern take -- the original was depressingly

And who can forget Godzilla's floppy rubber tail (that defied the physics
of scale -- along with everything ELSE on the set!)?

Or, the ants in /Them!/?