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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Justisaur <>
Subject: Re: free Free (sort of) Deathloop on Prime!
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2024 16:07:46 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 12/7/2023 7:47 PM, Justisaur wrote:
> On Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 1:55:39 PM UTC-8, rms wrote:
>> Glad I kept holding off on this one, sounds like a genuinely good game, if
>> limited in scope.
> Ooh!  Yeah it was one that interested me, but not enough to pull the trigger.
> Oh godh it's on Epic through Amazon, what a pain.  I still got it.  I feel a
> strange emotion I can only call angry-happy.

I finally got around to starting this last night.  It's got a sort of 
70's future aesthetic I of like, and it's interesting so far.  I'm not 
too into the FPS and searching around for stuff and trying to figure out 
how to open doors and codes for door and whatnot though.

I tried looking up a walkthrough after getting stuck on one of those 
doors in a place I have a mission to get through, but it was more like 
'just look around and enjoy' with some info on how to become powerful I 
didn't understand yet.

The enemies are weird.  They look kind of like living mannequins and say 
things that sound like valley girls and act pretty stupid, yet they're 
still dangerous in numbers.

I've died like 4 times in as many hours, however 2 of those were 
scripted as far as I could tell, and the other 2 weren't restart deaths 
as after you get by the scripted part you don't really die the first 
couple times, you appear nearby invisible instead you effectively have 
an artifact that gives you 3 lives I assume as a nod to old games where 
that's what you had.

Guns are guns.  They look a bit odd, sort of steampunk future or 
something, but they're guns.  I got a pneumatic nail gun which is for 
stealth but it doesn't do enough damage to take out enemies before they 
alert everyone, so I'm not sure the point, though you can get upgrades, 
so maybe it'll work eventually.  I feel like I'm playing a game of 
keystone cops where everyone's an idiot, which is mildly amusing, but 
not really my thing.

I'm not too sure about it yet, but it's supposedly around 17 hours for 
the normal game, but with me putzing around I don't feel like I've made 
any real progress in 4, so it'll probably be a lot longer for me if I 
can figure out how to get anywhere.

Funny enough the character you play acts fairly clueless so far too, so 
I guess I'm in the right spirit?  I don't really like that spirit 
though. /shrug/


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