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From: Grant Taylor <gtaylor@tnetconsulting.net>
Newsgroups: news.admin.net-abuse.usenet
Subject: Re: stats 2024 Q1
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2024 23:06:38 -0500
Organization: TNet Consulting
Message-ID: <uuikke$3md$3@tncsrv09.home.tnetconsulting.net>
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On 4/2/24 11:06, Olivier Miakinen wrote:
> The problem is with the format flowed, which makes impossible to send 
> lines of more than 79 characters as soon as they contain at least 
> one space. See <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2646>.

It may be related to format flowed.  But I don't believe that format 
flowed prevents lines of more than 79 characters....  There are 
conventions about what character count on the line to do the format 
flowed split.  But a convention is a convention and can be changed. 
I've done format flowed at 25 characters and I've done format flowed at 
256 characters.

The logical line is as long as the window will support if there is 
enough source data to fill the line.

The physical line is at or below the character count as long as there is 
a space character to break / wrap the line.

> Of course, the newsreaders that are prepared (and configured to) 
> understand the format flowed don't see any problem

Um, flag on the post.  I'm using format flowed and I do see the problem.

Perhaps your algorithm is correct but the input and output is reversed?

> since it is preciseley the purpose of this format. But for older 
> newsreaders, or for users who deactivate this format they dislike, 
> the mangling is real : <https://i.goopics.net/vruq6c.png>.

That is much more severe mangling than I see.

The errors that I'm seeing aren't at the wrap point for format flowed 
either.  What I'm seeing is most evident between the 4th & 5th and the 
5th & 6th columns.  What should probably be a straight line of pipe 
characters isn't.  This is in both the format flow unwrapped logical 
line from multiple physical lines and the physical lines in the message 

Grant. . . .