Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/1203): User howardkn already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\howardknight.net\al.howardknight.net\includes\artfuncs.php on line 21
Failed to connect to MySQL: (1203) User howardkn already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
Warning: mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\howardknight.net\al.howardknight.net\index.php on line 66
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On 4/3/24 03:38, David Brown wrote:
> lottery, he bought his favourite football club (or "soccer club", for
> those who come from a country where "football" doesn't involve feet or
> round balls)

I'm curious - in which country is "football" used as the name of a sport
that doesn't involve feet? I know of many countries where "football"
refers to a sport where the use of hands is prohibited, and others where
it's allowed, but I'm not aware of any where the use of feet to kick the
ball is prohibited.