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From: The Last Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: [OT] The dumb and the guilty (Was Re: How many ....)
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 10:57:04 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The Doctor <> wrote:
> In article <uugv4s$37amv$>,
> solar penguin  <> wrote:
>> The idiot insisted:
>>> Easter is derived from the word Ishtar.
>> Liar! It’s derived from the word Eostre.
> Have a better llok bird-brain!

Current belief is that it’s not from either directly - but the etymology is
obscure as only English and German have “Easter” with most other European
countries having a variant based on “Pasch”(Passover).

Bede is really the only source for an etymology of Easter, claiming that
the Saxon “Eosturmonath” (April) was named after a goddess Eostre. But
there is no evidence for this goddess anywhere. Grimm (one of the fairytale
guys - took up this idea in the 1800s and suggested that there COULD have
been a goddess Ostara whose name morphed into Eostre, but again without
evidence to support it.

Some Christian scholars have claimed that early Saxons worshipped
Ostara/Eostre and that this was somehow the same goddess as the
Assyrian/Phoenician Ishtar/Astarte (due seemingly only to a coincidental
similarity in name sounds, as there’s no established linguistic or
historical link between the Teutonic/Germans and the Middle East.)

>>> How good is your Bible knowledge Red-beared Dannyboy?
>> I bet it’s good enough to know that the Bible _doesn’t_ say that
>> Easter is derived from Ishtar.
> Wrongo Both of you!

Dave. There is no mention of Ishtar, Astarte or Easter in the Bible. None.
There is mention of a “Queen of Heaven” but with no name, and in Kings we
see that King Solomon worshipped Ashtoreth, which may be another variant
name of Ishtar. But all of that association is guesswork, and has no known
link to the English term “Easter” for “Holy Week”.

Easter is the English word for the annual period when Christians
commemorate the supposed execution and miraculous resurrection of Jesus. No
one truly knows why except that the month of April was o de known by a
possibly-related term. 

It’s stupid to deny that, because it’s a fact. And associating “Easter”
with pagan rites and festivals is also wrong - there’s no such link. People
have incorporated some of the aspects of traditional spring and fertility
festivals into Easter celebrations - but those haven’t brought pagan
worship or practices with them.

“The timelines and … canon … are rupturing” - the Doctor