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From: FPP <>
Subject: Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 09:13:34 -0400
Organization: Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 4/3/24 11:21 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
> Home owners in the UK have been told that "compulsory selling of home" will be
> enforced to house illegal migrants.
> Elderly people are being told their houses are too big for them and they need
> to sell so that illegal aliens can live in their homes.
> An elderly couple who had just moved into their £200,000 house were horrified
> to receive a letter from their council suggesting the property could be
> subject to compulsory purchase and used to house asylum seekers.
> Jose and Ted Saunders said they were 'insulted and shocked' when the
> strongly-worded letter from North Northamptonshire Council-- which has never
> balanced its own books-- dropped on their mat last month.
> It said their neat mid-terraced house in Rushden, near Wellingborough, was
> deemed to be an empty property, or was 'derelict' and the council could even
> force them to sell it.
> 'I couldn't believe it,' said retired carer Jose, 76. 'We moved to Rushden to
> help provide childcare for my grand-daughter and found this nice little place
> to live. The idea of forcing us to sell it to make room for refugees and
> asylum seekers seems totally wrong.'

Looks like they just made a mistake and thought the property was empty.

> The letter, headed 'Empty Properties and sites initiative' had their exact address in bold and stated: 'We are writing as we have reason to believe that the above-named premises… is empty or unused.
> 'The Government has identified empty privately-owned properties as a potential cause of blight within communities, and as a wasted resource at time of high housing need.'

So why are you so outraged?  And why did you not mention this part?

> Three days later they received an apology, saying their staff had mistakenly ear-marked the house for possible compulsory purchase, but the Saunders were still baffled by the policy itself.

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC 
Bible  25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.