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From: Ernest Major <{$to$}@meden.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: talk.origins
Subject: Re: Neanderthal skull, Ape's profile...
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 22:04:23 +0100
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On 04/04/2024 18:33, panther2020 wrote:
> On 4/4/24 10:05, Ernest Major wrote:
>> Why does a creature with a fur coat require leather processing tools?
> He doesn't, i.e. your source is a bunch of BS (bad science),  My guess 
> would be that the only thing Neanderthals ever did with hides was singe 
> the furr off them and then eat them.

And I think that your position is BS (bad science) (e.g. the BS claim 
that the Neandertal genome is close to the chimpanzee genome than to the 
modern human genome); scarcely better than the hypothesis that humans 
are hybrids of chimpanzees and pigs. Dismissing evidence that doesn't 
fit your hypothesis is not to the way to find the truth - if you want to 
be taken seriously you have to address it.

> Nothing to say about Neanderthal skulls being perfect fits for apes' 
> profiles???

Only that you've been hoodwinked. The Neandertal skull has been rotated 
backwards and rescaled to make it fit the chimpanzee profile.

How does a Neandertal brain well over 3 times the size of a chimpanzee's 
fit inside the ape's profile?

There's plenty of skeletal evidence that the genus Homo as a whole 
(never mind other hominins) are bipedal. Part of this evidence is the 
position of the foramen magnum, which is in the same position in 
Neandertals as in modern humans, and different from the position in 
quadripedal apes. Neandertals have brow ridges; modern humans don't. 
That's an awfully thin foundation to support your weight of speculation.

Neandertal skulls look like modern human skulls, not chimpanzee skulls.



Nothing to say about the Denisova Cave needle?

alias Ernest Major