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From: FPP <>
Subject: Re: Inconvenient lefties
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 20:07:59 -0400
Organization: Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 4/4/24 3:37 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
> In article
> <17c309162f6ddc39$139916$2820980$>,
>   trotsky <> wrote:
>> On 4/2/24 5:13 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>> In article
>>> <17c2951988fe8093$63098$3121036$>,
>>>    moviePig <> wrote:
>>>> On 4/2/2024 1:16 AM, Adam H. Kerman wrote:
>>>>> BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>>>>> Mar 27, 2024 at 3:58:45 PM PDT, moviePig <>:
>>>>>>> 3/27/2024 6:57 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>> Adam H. Kerman <>:
>>>>>>>>> BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Why is it that burning the American flag is protected speech, but if
>>>>>>>>>> you burn an Alphabet Mafia rainbow flag, you can get arrested for a
>>>>>>>>>> hate crime?
>>>>>>>>> You mean a flag that does not belong to you, not your own flag.
>>>>>>>> No, I mean any rainbow flag. If you go buy one yourself, then take it
>>>>>>>> to an anti-troon protest and burn it, it's a hate crime.
>>>>>>>> But if you buy an American flag and take it to an Antifa riot and burn
>>>>>>>> it, protected speech.
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> The former action is one of hate, the latter is one of protest.
>>>>> moviePig is unparseable here. Is he stating that protestors protest
>>>>> against their friends and not their enemies? I'm so confused.
>>>> I'm here to help.
>>>> In general, people who burn an American flag do so in protest of their
>>>> own government's actions and policies, while those who burn a rainbow
>>>> flag do so to express their hate of queers.
>>> Or maybe to protest their government's actions and polices with regard
>>> to queers since government at all levels seems to have been captured by
>>> the Pronoun People.
>> Uh oh, one of the fags from thing circle jerk is giving his
>> pronouncements again.
> Oh, look, there's Hutt using the 'f-word', the gay equivalent of the
> 'n-word', but he won't be called a bigot or a homophobe by either Effa
> or moviePig for it.
> Their moral outrage over bigotry and homophobia seems to have a
> convenient blind-spot when it comes to their favorite misshapen remora

Sure.  You do anim first.  Lead the way!

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC 
Bible  25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.