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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: FPP <>
Subject: Re: Mail-In Voting
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 20:31:52 -0400
Organization: Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 4/4/24 7:58 PM, The Horny Goat wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Apr 2024 06:57:51 -0400, FPP <> wrote:
>> He's just fucking wrong.  It would violate not only the asylum law, but
>> others that prohibit sending them back to their deaths.
> The whole problem with 'refugees' from Mexico is not tyrannical action
> by the Mexican government but rather that the Mexican government for
> better or for worse are NOT currently trying to win their 'war' with
> the Mexican drug lords who are both manufacturing vast amounts of
> Fentanyl from precursor chemicals imported mostly from China which are
> killing thousands of Americans, but that these same groups have
> largely superceded local government authority and terrorizing Mexicans
> in the area where they're the de facto government.
> Which is NOT under international law a reason for claiming refugee
> status.
> Again - the Mexican situation is de facto due to neglect by the
> Mexican government not meeting their duties under international law to
> the detriment of their own people.

Which still means Thanny is still dead wrong.

Mexico is losing the war because the cartels are rich and powerful.  And 
the the US keeping things like cannabis illegal for decades just helped 
make them that way.

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC 
Bible  25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.