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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: "Adam H. Kerman" <>
Subject: Re: InstaCart Delivery Guy Shoots and Kills One of Angie Harmon's Dogs
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2024 05:29:55 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <uuo28j$16fg4$>
References: <> <uuniva$vmua$> <17c34296ab7bef96$51967$3384359$> <>
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shawn <> wrote:

>>. . . 

>The sad thing is you can't always tell what the dog is going to do.

You pay attention to the dog's ears, his head position, and his tail.
They make it quite clear. Also, dogs pay attention TO YOU, so show
leadership by standing tall with a proper stride. Don't approach the dog
in a way he might feel threatened, like with your from above trying to
pet the top of his head. If he's willing to be petted, he'll let you but
do it from below eye level on his chest.

Some dogs, like herding dogs, might be aggressive with their mouths,
like grabbing wrists or ankles, but that's trying to dominate and not
trying to kill. A dog that attacks the neck or face is quite dangerous.

>I run into dogs being walked by their owners all the time and most dogs
>are just happy to see anyone but I've run into a few who seemed like
>they wanted some attention as they came over to me as I was walking by
>but clearly didn't actually want to be touched. That's taught me to
>always be cautious when going to pet a dog even though the owner is
>right there so I'll keep my fingers closed in my hand just in case the
>dog wants to take a nip.

Right. NEVER offer dog a finger.

>That said I can't imagine why the guy is running around with a gun. If
>he's just worried about pets attacking him a gun is massive overkill
>when something like pepper spray would do the job and not cause
>permanent harm or death.