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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: "Adam H. Kerman" <>
Subject: Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2024 05:32:07 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 43
Message-ID: <uuo2cn$16fg4$>
References: <uumno6$p8sf$> <> <> <>
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shawn  <> wrote:
>On Thu, 4 Apr 2024 21:21:52 -0400, Rhino
><> wrote:
>>On Thu, 04 Apr 2024 13:02:19 -0700
>>BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>> In article <uumno6$p8sf$>,
>>>  Ubiquitous <> wrote:
>>There may be an easy solution to littering. Many years ago, when I was
>>just a pup, I remember an episode of Wonderful World of Disney where
>>they talked about the state of littering in some historic places and/or
>>national parks, perhaps Mt. Rushmore or Yellowstone. They had a little
>>jingle going as they showed these scenes and I still remember a snippet
>>of it to this day: "Litterbug, litterbug, don't you care? Making a mess
>>everywhere!" I don't think I've littered since I saw that, although
>>there were probably a couple of other moments along the way that
>>reinforced that. I just hold on to any litter I generate - or put it in
>>my pocket - until I get to a garbage can. I barely even think about it:
>>it's just programmed into my brain.
>>I suppose you could characterize that as brain-washing and I suppose
>>it's true but it worked and I can't find anything evil in it, unlike
>>the sort of brain-washing/indoctrination so many schools do today.
>>Why don't we do more of this? The world wouldn't suddenly be clean and
>>tidy overnight but it would probably clean up gradually if we were all
>>persuaded to litter less.
>If only it would be that easy. I didn't think of it earlier but I live
>in an apartment complex. I have seen people pull up in their car, drop
>some garbage (usually some sort of drink or fast food container) and
>then go inside to their apartment. Leaving the trash behind. Or they
>will toss the trash before driving off to work or whatever. They only
>have to carry the trash just a few tens of feet and that's too much
>for them. It just shows that these people don't care about littering
>even in front of their own abode.

Shoot them in the head. Leave the corpse next to the litter. You'll have
the cleanest apartment complex in the neighborhood.