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From: Arthur Lipscomb <>
Subject: Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-04 (Thursday)
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2024 08:13:38 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 4/5/2024 5:36 AM, Ian J. Ball wrote:
> On 4/5/24 1:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
>> What did you watch?
> Tired yesterday, so just soaps:
> soaps: DOOL - Pretty good scenes between Nicole and Holly - Nicole 
> lowers the boom on Holly for being a druggie and a liar, and Holly 
> mostly takes it, until the end when Holly fights back by pointing out 
> what a terrible mother Nicole has been! [facts!!]. His parents let Tate 
> out of the house, and he runs across Alex for an awkward exchange; later 
> Tate sneaks into the DiMera's for some quick secret smootchies with 
> Holly before leaving! Also later, Alex talks NuTheresa into moving back 
> in with him ("platonically")... There was also a boring exchange with 
> Paulina and Marlena.
>     I pretty much forgot to watch GH!
> I also saw a mostly forgettable episode of The Wheel.
> And that was pretty much it.
> What did you watch?

I watched:

Star Trek: Discovery (Paramount +) - "Red Directive" - Season 5 Premier. 
  Kovich (David Cronenberg) sends Team Disco on a "Red Directive" which 
is a super, double top secret mission that even the captain doesn't know 
all the details about.  They are told to locate an 800 year old Romulan 
ship and retrieve the contents before anyone else.  When Team Disco 
arrive and find there are already two scavengers on board Kovich gives 
the OK to straight up murder them.  He wants what's on that ship!  But 
you know Captain Burnham isn't going to kill someone in cold blood, so 
instead the scavengers escape with Team Disco giving chase.  Joining the 
team is Captain Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie from Battlestar Galactica) a 
buy the books Captain who really isn't all that bothered by getting the 
job done any means necessary type orders.  So of course he and Burnham 
butt heads on the best way to proceed.  Overall I liked the premier. 
But I just don't understand why The Federation couldn't just buy the 
artifact from the two smugglers.  It's pretty clear they had no idea 
what they found, other than it's valuable.  So just sale it to the 

"Under the Twin Moons" - Episode 2.  I watched both episodes back to 
back and they tended to blur a little.  But this episode reveals some 
key details about the artifact as team Disco with help from Captain 
Rayner continue to track the artifact and the two smugglers.  I still 
don't understand why the Federation can't just buy it from them?!? The 
smugglers themselves even say they got there first and it wasn't in 
Federation space.  It makes no sense to me that they can't come to 
terms.  Anyway by the end of this episode (SPOILERS) Captain Rayner has 
been demoted due to his reckless actions and instead of leaving Star 
Fleet he agrees to become Burnham's new first officer.  Which reminds 
me, what exactly is Saru's position?  At one point he was captain of 
Discovery and Burnham his first officer.  It's the same thing that 
always bugged me about Spock's position on the Enterprise in Star Trek V.

Invincible - "I Thought You Were Stronger" - Season 2 finale.  For some 
reason I wasn't able to pull up how long the episodes was, but I'm 
pretty sure it was at least an hour probably longer.  Almost the entire 
episode was just Invincible fighting Dr. Angstrom, who has the ability 
to open portals to different dimensions.  I was anticipating this 
episode and was aware in the comics when the two fought the portals 
opened to certain other famous comic universes and wondered if they 
would do that in this show, and it turns out they basically did.  :-)

Monkey Man (theatrical) 2024 action movie directed by and starring Dev 
Patel.  It's a John Wick/The Raid style revenge flick set in India. 
Patel stars as an unnamed man out for revenge against the individuals 
responsible for his mother's death.  This movie goes *hard* core R in 
the revenge department!  Overall, I liked it, but I need to see it again 
when I'm not so tired to get a better sense of it all.