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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Ubiquitous <>
Subject: Re: Inconvenient lefties
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2024 15:49:03 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 102
Message-ID: <uupkjf$1igto$>
References: <utks3h$35980$>
 <> <uum1h8$juqp$>
 <> <uuotqv$1d3sl$>
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In article <uuotqv$1d3sl$>, wrote:
> On 4/4/24 9:08 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>> FPP <> wrote:
>>> On 4/4/24 3:32 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>> FPP <> wrote:
>>>>> On 4/3/24 2:10 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>> "moviePig" <> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 4/3/2024 5:50 AM, FPP wrote:
>>>>>>>>     On 4/2/24 5:52 PM, moviePig wrote:
>>>>>>>>>     On 4/2/2024 1:16 AM, Adam H. Kerman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>     BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>     Mar 27, 2024 at 3:58:45 PM PDT, moviePig <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>     3/27/2024 6:57 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     Adam H. Kerman <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     BTR1701 <> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why is it that burning the American flag is protected speech,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but if you burn an Alphabet Mafia rainbow flag, you can get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arrested for a hate crime?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You mean a flag that does not belong to you, not your own 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flag.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> No, I mean any rainbow flag. If you go buy one yourself, then 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> take it to an anti-troon protest and burn it, it's a hate 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> crime.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But if you buy an American flag and take it to an Antifa riot 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and burn it, protected speech.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The former action is one of hate, the latter is one of protest.
>>>>>>>>>> moviePig is unparseable here. Is he stating that protestors 
>>>>>>>>>> protest against their friends and not their enemies? I'm so 
>>>>>>>>>> confused.
>>>>>>>>> I'm here to help.
>>>>>>>>> In general, people who burn an American flag do so in protest of 
>>>>>>>>> their own government's actions and policies, while those who burn 
>>>>>>>>> a rainbow flag do so to express their hate of queers.
>>>>>>>> If you own it, you can burn it.
>>>>>>> But not at a gay-pride march under laws against hate speech.
>>>>>> There are no laws against hate speech in the United States. If any
>>>>>> legislature should pass such a law, it would be unconstitutional.
>>>>> That was in the old Constitution. You know... the one Roberts, Alito,
>>>>> IKavanaugh, and Barret swore up and down they would go by.
>>>>> And then didn't.
>>>>> Settled law, my ass. Alito quoted a 17th century Witch Hunter in his
>>>>> draft opinion on Roe (Dobbs).

              5*    6*   *7
         4*                  *8
      3*                        *9
     2*                          *10
    1*              |             *stuporous
    0*             -*-            *catatonic
     *              |\            *comatose
      *               \          *clinical death
       *               \        *biological death
         *             _\/    *demonic apparition
             *     *     *damned for all eternity
>>>> Did he? That's awesome!
>>>>> Fuck this Illegitimate Supreme Court of Religious Fanatics.
>>>> This Supreme Court has reinforced free speech over government control
>>>> and sanction at nearly every opportunity, so regardless of whether
>>>> you're mentally fucking them or not (shudder), don't look for them to
>>>> suddenly embrace the notion of carving out a heretofore never before
>>>> noticed exception to the 1st Amendment and allow the government to start
>>>> suddenly punishing people for 'hate speech'.
>>> And your approval of them embracing a 17th century witch hunter tells us
>>> everything we need to know
>> I think it's hilariously awesome. I wish he'd cited Skynet, too!
>Yeah, I kinda thought you would believe rape is "awesome".
>Just surprised you admit to it.

In other words, you have lost another debate.

Ad hominem noted.
Strawman noted.

Get back to us when you have a real argument to make.

Let's go Brandon!