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Path: ...!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Dimensional Traveler <>
Subject: Re: InstaCart Delivery Guy Shoots and Kills One of Angie Harmon's
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2024 18:21:49 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 67
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On 4/5/2024 1:23 PM, moviePig wrote:
> On 4/5/2024 2:05 PM, Adam H. Kerman wrote:
>> Dimensional Traveler <> wrote:
>>> On 4/4/2024 10:29 PM, Adam H. Kerman wrote:
>>>> shawn <> wrote:
>>>>>> . . .
>>>>> The sad thing is you can't always tell what the dog is going to do.
>>>> You pay attention to the dog's ears, his head position, and his tail.
>>>> They make it quite clear. Also, dogs pay attention TO YOU, so show
>>>> leadership by standing tall with a proper stride. Don't approach the 
>>>> dog
>>>> in a way he might feel threatened, like with your from above trying to
>>>> pet the top of his head. If he's willing to be petted, he'll let you 
>>>> but
>>>> do it from below eye level on his chest.
>>>> Some dogs, like herding dogs, might be aggressive with their mouths,
>>>> like grabbing wrists or ankles, but that's trying to dominate and not
>>>> trying to kill. A dog that attacks the neck or face is quite dangerous.
>>>>> I run into dogs being walked by their owners all the time and most 
>>>>> dogs
>>>>> are just happy to see anyone but I've run into a few who seemed like
>>>>> they wanted some attention as they came over to me as I was walking by
>>>>> but clearly didn't actually want to be touched. That's taught me to
>>>>> always be cautious when going to pet a dog even though the owner is
>>>>> right there so I'll keep my fingers closed in my hand just in case the
>>>>> dog wants to take a nip.
>>>> Right. NEVER offer dog a finger.
>>> Generally you want to put your hand out, back of the hand towards the
>>> dog so it can smell you and let it come to you if it wants to be
>>> friendly.  Don't make a fist, dogs are smart enough to recognize that as
>>> being aggressive.
>> Yes.
>> Barbara Woodhouse was against letting the dog sniff the back of the hand
>> approaching from the front, as that's not enough for the dog not to
>> perceive a threat. She recommended approaching from the side as the dog
>> can get a better look at you. As their eyes are on either side of their
>> snouts, they never look straight ahead with both eyes, something people
>> fail to understand.
>>>>> . . .
> If they don't look straight ahead with both eyes, then they don't see 
> parallax 3D ...which I'm not prepared to accept, particularly since my 
> dog watches me intently with both eyes, face-on.
And dogs are predators.  Predators tend to have eyes in front to focus 
on prey.  Prey tends to have eyes on the sides to see predators coming.

In any event, I grew up with dogs.  Almost all dobermans and rottweilers 
(which are NOT the instinctive rabid killer attack dogs everyone thinks 
they are).  Crouching down a couple feet away and holding my hand out 
for the dog to approach works 99% of the time in my experience and the 
1% are dogs that no approach is going to work with.

I've done good in this world. Now I'm tired and just want to be a cranky 
dirty old man.